

(CF 160) Essence discount is retroactive.

Adrenaline Pump Optimization

(CF 165)

  • Prevents Adrenaline Pump (SR5 459) from accidentally triggering no matter by how many hits you fail your Composure Test.

  • Crash damage from Adrenaline Pump is reduced by half (rounded up) before making the resistance test.

Aeroquip Dustoff

(BB 23) Comes with a Valkyrie module as part of the armored patient compartment. The compartment itself acts as a barrier having a Structure of 8 and Armor of 12 (same as a rigger cocoon).


  • Seeker Shafts (HT 187) is now 12R.

Ares Screech Sonic Rifle

(RG 26)

  • Has no effect on non-living things such as drones, vehicles or barriers. But can affect Spirits as per its normal mechanics.

  • Being deaf or otherwise unable to hear or using the Select Sound Filter (SR5 445), does not grant any protection from this weapon. Damper earware (SR5 454) will provide protection as per RAW.

  • Can only make called shots while in a narrow spread choke setting. The only called shot the weapon can make is Vitals (SR5 196).

Armor Accessories

  • A character may only gain armor from armor accessories (items with +armor) up to a maximum of their augmented Strength attribute (not Str+1).

  • Ballistic masks can stack with regular +2 armor helmets, but not with full mask +3 armor helmets or motorcycle helmets. Basically, if the helmet can sustain chemical seal it cannot be worn with a mask.

  • Armor from any PPP (RG 70) now stacks and works with any non hardened body armor, including armor jackets and full body armor. PPP arms also stack with forearm guards.

  • Armor from Snake Mesh Socks (RG 76) only applies against called shots to any part of your leg and Bates-Brown Tactical Combat Boots (SL 131) only applies against called shot foot (RG 113). The armors stack and apply on top of standard armor accessories. They do not count against your Strength for the maximum amount of armor you can benefit from armor accessories.

  • You may only wear one cloak at a time.

  • Social bonuses from two armor pieces stack as long as one custom fit (stacks) with the other.

Armor Mods

Have restrictions for what kind of armor they can be installed in.

  • Multiple instances of the same armor mod don’t stack from different sources, only the highest rating applies.

  • You can only benefit from the armor mods and/or non armor bonuses of a piece of armor, if you are benefitting from its armor value.

  • Chemical protection, Fire resistance, Insulation, Nonconductivity and Radiation shielding can only be installed in Body armor, Coats, Cloaks and Shields.

  • Chemical seal can only be installed in Body armor that comes with an associated helmet. These include Full body armor (SR5 437), Urban explorer jumpsuit (SR5 437), Urban explorer daedalus (SL 48), Arctic diving suit / Diving armor (RG 80), Bike racing armor (RG 68), Bunker gear (RG 69), EVO Armadillo armored space suit (RG 82), EVO HEL suit (RG 82), Hardened mil-spec battle armor (RG 66), MCT EE suit (RG 83), Riot control armor (RG 69), Security armor (RG 67), Security spacesuit (RG 82), Spacesuit (RG 81) and SWAT armor (RG 70).

  • Gel packs can only be installed in Body armor and Coats (one gel pack per armor).

  • Grey mana can only be installed in Body armor, Coats and Cloaks.

  • Ruthenium Polymer Coating (RPC) can only be installed in Body armor, Coats, Cloaks and Shields. The effect of RPC installed in Body armor, Coats and Cloaks also extends to all worn gear. RPC installed in Shields will only make the shield invisible (so you’d need RPC on both a worn piece of clothing and your shield if you want to use a shield and remain cloaked). RPC effects are disabled if the character engages in any offensive or attack action.

  • YNT softweave can only be installed in Body armor (including ones worn as an armor accessory), Coats and Cloaks.

Assault Cannons

Regular Assault Cannon rounds always deal Physical damage against metahuman or vehicle armor. The damage cannot be converted to stun in any way unless the target is wearing hardened armor. If the target is wearing hardened armor, the armor is treated as regular armor but damage can be converted from Physical to Stun.


(BTB 157)

  • When used as an injection vector, it reduces 12 - (hits on toxin resistance test) Magic for 12 - Bod (minimum 1) minute. If Mag reaches 0 all adept powers, sustained spells and foci turn off (remain bound). All spirits disappear. Bound spirits can be called back when sufficient Mag has been regained. Critters lose their powers until at least 1 Mag has been regained.

  • Blight ignores Immunity to Toxins critter power (SR5 397) or Natural Immunity quality (SR5 76).

Bone lacing, Bone density and Striking calluses

(SR5 454, 459, CF 121)

  • Does work with killing hands and smashing blow.

  • Unarmed damage bonus does not work with cyberlimbs.

Capsule Rounds

(RG 55) Alchemical preps or Drugs cannot be delivered via capsule rounds.


(KC 70)

  • The armor from CCOB is made of special material and applies to damage resistance tests against Zapper rounds. Otherwise worn gear that does not have a Body attribute, cannot be targeted for physical damage.

  • The armor also applies to all damage resistance tests made by drones mounted on the CCOB.

Chemical Gland

(CF 112)

  • Non-gradual release chemical glands can be used to synthesize any non-awakened drug or any toxin.

  • Gradual release chemical glands can only synthesize non-awakened drugs that have a duration measured in hours. You are considered to be permanently on that drug (no crash effect) and must make an addiction test every run. This counts as the first drug you are on. Any additional drugs taken will cause drug interaction as usual and other house ruled effects. You can only have a single gradual release chemical gland per character. Cereprax (CF 180) is incompatible with gradual release despite its duration being measured in hours.

  • Chemical glands cannot synthesize street cooked drugs.

Chimeric Modifications

(HS 170)

  • Increases the availability of the critter by +1 per chimeric modification. Unless the critter is F or already R rated, it changes the availability of the critter to R.

  • The cost of a Chimeric critter is 3x the base price of the critter + 50% (of the base price) per chimeric modification (up to a max of 6). If the critter also has the Warform Modification, the price is 4x + 50% per chimeric modification.

  • Any chimeric modifications must be made at the embryo level and thus once purchased, the critter cannot take any more chimeric modifications.

Cosmetic Modifications

A character may possess any cosmetic modifications with no essence cost so long as they provide no mechanical advantages. Examples include Biosculpting Modification (not Troll Reduction), Smooth Skin, Sensitive Skin, Clean Metabolism and similar modifications. Just having these modifications will not disqualify you from Purity Bonuses to awakened or emerged. Essence cost for ware can be reduced by 100% in chummer, by enabling the “Allow Cyber/Bioware Essence costs to be customized” under the House Rules tab in Tools > Options.

Cry Wolf

(KC 63) Has an availability of 4F and costs 250¥

Cyberlimb Optimization

(CF 87) Can be taken for any skill that requires the use of limbs or body language (except any magical or resonance based ones). These include any physical, social or combat skill; as well as technical or vehicle skills not being used in VR.

Datajack Plus

(KC 65)

  • Can also run autosofts while slaved to an RCC.

  • Can run programs for a living persona when slaved to it. You would need the quality One With The Matrix (KC 97).

  • Cannot come preinstalled with an Agent and a Datajack Plus cannot run an Agent.

  • You can only benefit from one datajack plus.


  • Can be purchased by mundane characters by rolling for availability on their own or through any augmentations contact that owns a deltaware clinic, any time after character creation.

  • Awakened or Emerged characters require a prime run to gain deltaware as part of the run reward.

Digigrade Legs

(CF 87) Does not cost essence, only capacity.

Environmental Adaptation

(SR5 437)

  • Can be taken for one of the following environments: Hot, cold, humid, dry, polluted, underwater or irradiated environments.

  • When an armor with Environmental Adaptation is worn in the appropriate environment, it reduces the Environment Severity (SR5 172) by one level to a minimum of Mild.


  • We use the drone modification rules from (R5 122). Using these rules are mandatory for all drones. You can still add vehicle modifications to drones, but using drone modification rules (Mod Points) instead of vehicle modification rules.

  • Anthro drones may wear armor like metahumans. The maximum +armor they may benefit from armor accessories is limited to their Body. For every 2 full points by which the value of +armor exceeds the drone’s Body, it suffers a –1 penalty to Speed and Handling. The drone cannot benefit from both its in-built armor and worn armor. It instead uses the higher value of the two.

  • Drones running autonomously do not have a limit (ie: handling) on their defense tests.

  • Drones use the Maneuvering autosoft for defense tests.

  • For a swarm that uses a skill that would logically require limbs (demolitions, locksmith, first aid, etc), each drone must have limbs or a drone arm to grant its bonus to the swarm and at least one drone must have a drone arm to utilize the skill.

  • Drones can only form swarms with other drones of the same size category.

  • Melee weapons that can be drone mounted but are limited by reach, ignore any reach reduction from called shot Break weapon (RG 111) for purposes of determining if they can be mounted.

  • Standard or higher category drone weapon mounts can install any Exotic Ranged Weapon.

  • Large or higher category drone weapon mounts can install Carbines.

  • Micro drone mounts can install either the Stinger Pen Gun (CA 141) or an altered version of the Parashield Dart Pistol (SR5 430). The differences are that the drone version of the dart pistol has Ammo: 1(b) [instead of 5(c)], Mode: SS (instead of SA) and Cost: 400¥ (instead of 600¥).

Dynamic Handprints

(CF 151) Cost 2,100¥ (not 21,000¥).


(KC 66)

The -10 dice pool penalty applies to not just Physical and Social but all Magical skill actions as well.

Electrical Discharge

(CF 120)

Doesn’t damage the user, unless the user is wet.

EVO/Yamatetsu Naval Technologies Rampart Portable Ballistic Emplacement

(SL 130)

  • Acts as standard armor instead of hardened, when carried as a shield.

  • Upon deployment, the shield acts as a barrier of Structure 10 and Armor 10. It provides good cover to anyone taking cover behind it (they must use the take cover action). The shield can have up to four metahumans (regardless of size) taking cover behind it.

  • If the deployed barrier is destroyed, it becomes unusable as a shield until repaired.

  • It can be repaired using a Log + Armorer [Mental] extended test with the threshold equal to the number of boxes to be repaired (it has 13 boxes) with an interval of 30 minutes.


(KC 57)

  • Faceless does not need to make a dice roll. It automatically succeeds and applies its effects against applicable devices who’s firewall is equal to or lower than the Faceless’ rating. However, Faceless automatically fails against devices who’s firewall is higher than its rating.

  • If the device is slaved to another with a higher firewall. Use the higher value.

  • Faceless does not work against cybereyes.


(SG 212)

  • Only a single fetish (of your tradition) is needed to cast any and all learned limited spells.

  • Before a fetish can be used, it needs to be bonded. Bonding takes one hour but does not require any karma expenditure. You may only have a single fetish bonded at a time.

  • The spell originates from the fetish and due to the hazardous nature of combat spells, certain objects, such as a necklace hidden in your clothing, may not be suitable as a fetish.

FN-AAL Gyrojet Pistol

(RG 26) Ignore the stats for the ammo in the Run & Gun errata. Instead use this stat block. DV: -, AP: -, Avail: 12F, Cost 160¥.


  • The maximum total force of all foci which can be active, is equal to the user’s [(Magic x 2) + Initiate grade]. Foci addiction is no longer a thing. This max active cap takes into account imbued foci and attuned weapons. You cannot bind a focus who’s force is greater than your Magic rating. The maximum number of foci you can bind is equal to your Magic attribute.

  • Ware implants cannot be turned into foci (ie: cyber implanted weapons).

  • Foci that provide bonus dice to any skill (such as power focus or weapon focus) counts as teamwork. It simply adds the Force of the focus to your dice pool but is limited by the ranks in that skill

  • The maximum rating of a focus that can be purchased is 4 for Power foci, 8 for Qi foci and 6 for other types of foci. This limit does not apply when artificing your own focus.

  • You cannot artifice a focus of a Force higher than your character’s Magic rating.

Fuel Canister

(RG 55) Ammo for Flamethrowers has an availability of 12F (not 16F).

Geneware, Gene Tech or Gene Mods

(CF 102)

  • Geneware doesn’t count as cyberware or bioware and doesn’t involve surgery. Hence doesn’t inflict damage during implantation.

  • Treatment Times are ignored.


(RG 102) Costs Capacity x 150¥ (not x 1500¥).


(BTB 158)

  • Can be purchased during character creation.

  • Can provide wireless bonus, but only if you are mundane.

  • Any piece of cyberware can be taken as greyware, whether external or not. However, internal greyware will become obvious. How it's obvious, that description depends on you.

Grey Mana

(BTB 156)

  • Is restricted instead of forbidden (both armor mod and tattoos).

  • Acts as a mana void background count equal to rating when equipped by awakened.

Hand Loads

(HT 189)

Work for all ammunition fired from a ranged weapon; except Arrows, Bolts, Peak-Discharge Battery Packs, explosives (grenades, rockets and missiles), Injection darts, Harpoons and Nets.

HK Urban Combat & HK Urban Fighter

(RG 36, SL31)

  • Both the Urban Combat and Urban Fighter are fully MAD scanner proof, regardless of them having the Ceramic/Plasteel components or not.

  • Both guns form a chemical seal when a magazine is inserted into them making the ammunition in the magazine immune to olfactory scanners and chemsniffers.

Hydraulic Jacks

(SR5 457)

The increase in Jump distance applies to both Free action and Complex action Jumping. This doesn't stack with any other enhancement that increases Jump distance (eg: Light Body).

Internal Router

(CF 84)

  • Simply grants you Wireless Bonuses for any gear carried on your person without needing to be wirelessly active. This includes smart guns and smartlink.

  • Obviously does not work if you actually need to go wireless on, such as with cyberdecks, commlinks or RCCs and control rigs wirelessly connected to drones/vehicles.

  • If a piece of gear leaves your immediate vicinity (< 5m). That gear will no longer be supported by your Internal Router.

Junkyard Jaw

(CF 91)

  • Is restricted instead of forbidden.

  • Uses either average Agi/Str or that of the skull (your choice).

Krime Calliope

(KK 19)

  • Uses rockets and missiles (not grenades). Same for the Krime Escalation. (KK 18)

  • If a target is affected by the blast radius of more than one explosive, use Multiple Simultaneous Blasts rule (SR5 183). There is no defense penalty inflicted by the full auto attack.

Krime Carpet

(KK 21)

  • Grenades (beyond the first one) fired from this gun will always scatter, even if you meet the attack threshold of 3. The scatter distance between the first and the second grenade is a number of meters equal to (3d6 - hits on your attack roll) x 2. The multiplier increases by 1 for each additional grenade, so x3 for third grenade, x4 for fourth, up to a maximum of x6.

  • Krime Carpet is exclusively a vehicle mounted weapon and thus requires a complex action to fire it. Explosion radius of multiple grenades fired this way are unlikely to overlap, hence don’t bother using Multiple Simultaneous Blasts rule.

Krime Loudener

(KK 22)

  • Is incompatible with a Silencer. (SR5 432)

  • It applies a +4 dice pool modifier on Hearing Perception tests to notice the weapon’s use or locate the weapon being fired. Attaching or removing a Loudener takes a Complex Action.

Krime Pack

(SL 45)

Works as a standard jammer (increases noise) instead of reducing DR.

Krime Party

(KK 27)

  • The frag and flash-bang parts of the same grenade don’t benefit from Multiple Simultaneous Blasts rule.

  • If the Damage Value of the frag part of the grenade is less than the modified Armor value of the target, the damage of the frag grenade is halved, in addition to being converted to Stun.

Krime Penetrator Buckshot Shells

(KK 24)

Counts as flechette and can be used with Choke Settings. (SR5 180)

Krime Punisher Assault Cannon Rounds

(KK 25)

Is restricted instead of forbidden.

Krime Ripper

(KK 20)

  • The Krime Ripper is not a drone. It's a Medium Machine Gun with a Smart Firing Platform (SR5 433). Additionally it comes with a Rating 3 sensor array, a Rating 1 Clearsight autosoft and a Rating 2 targeting autosoft. Krime Ripper is exclusively a vehicle mounted weapon and thus requires a complex action to fire it.

  • For standard attacks, the weapon fires twice per attack action, expending twice the ammunition. Recoil is cumulative for total rounds of ammunition fired. Make a single attack, inflicting the standard defense penalty (eg: -9 for complex FA). Don’t increase the defense penalty due to double the rounds fired. If the attack hits, the target must soak damage twice. Net hits on the attack test must be divided evenly between the two damage values.

  • For suppressive fire, treat the target as if they are under multiple suppressive fire actions (SR5 180). Hence the target must make two Reaction + Edge tests, taking damage from either attack that hits. You must expend twice the amount of ammo for suppressive fire.

Krime Stun Lance

(SL 24)

  • Comes adapted for all metatypes.

  • Can be used with the Clubs skill or the Blades skill at a -2 penalty.

  • Increases base DV by 1 when attacking from a moving vehicle or while riding a running creature (like a horse). Additionally, Jiao di (Charge) can be applied to attacks from a moving vehicle or ridden creature when using this weapon.

Krime Trollbow

(SL 24)

  • Can install a smartgun system.

  • Can be used to take the Overdraw action (Hard Targets), up to its maximum rating.

Krime T-Shirt Cannon

(KK 17)

Can use any of the shirts listed in (RF 253) as ammo.

Krime Whammy

(SL 40)

  • The base damage of the shotgun (modified by any ammunition but not called shots or net hits) is automatically applied, each time a successful melee attack is made with the hammer (against any target). This expends ammunition and the damage is resisted separately from the main melee attack.

  • Is considered a two-handed weapon for non-trolls.

Laés and Leäl

(CF 185)

Instead of a drug, Laés is now a toxin using the following stats.

Vector: Ingestion

Speed: 1 Combat Turn

Penetration: 0

Power: 12

Effects: Stun Damage, Unconsciousness, Memory Loss

Laés was created by the government of Tír Tairngire from the Awakened laésal fruit, thought to grow only in their government-controlled orchard. Upon being dosed with laés, the character must make a standard Toxin resistance test. If any stun damage is unresisted, the character falls unconscious for (20+1d6 minutes) and loses their memories of the last (12 – Body, minimum 1) hours, which are erased retroactively from the mind starting from the moment the Awakened toxin was administered and working backwards. Laés changes the chemical structure of the memories themselves, rendering them impossible to recover with technology or magic. Leäl is also a toxin and has the same effects as Laés, but the user only loses the last (120 - Body, minimum 100) minutes of memories and the duration for which the victim falls unconscious is 5 x 1D6 minutes.

The fruit of the Laesal tree used to produce Laés and Leäl has a peculiar interaction with DMSO, rapidly losing potency when exposed to the compound, rendering it unusable as a contact or inhalation vector toxin. The properties of Laés and Leäl also make it unusable as an injection vector toxin.

Laser Weapons

(RG 47)

Don't count as normal weapons and thus they completely bypass "Immunity to Normal Weapons" ability, such as in the case of spirits.

Looper Rounds

(KC 49) Cannot be used on eyeware or earware.

Maker Mags

(SL 75)

  • Are allowed along with maker missiles and grenades.

  • Cannot make depleted uranium rounds

Medusa Extensions

(CA 147)

  • Medusa extensions use the defense dice pool of the creature it's attached to. If the creature has used full defense or Block/Dodge/Parry, the defense bonus applies to the drone(s). However, Medusa extensions use their own soak pool for damage resistance tests.

  • Medusa extensions cannot use weapons, install weapon mounts or get drone arms. But they can be used to run skill based utility autosofts like Locksmith, First aid, Medicine, Perception. Thus aiding the character in a non combat way.

  • Each Medusa extension can contain a single dose of toxin that is an injection vector. To deliver the toxin, the drone must make a successful melee attack against a target with an Accuracy of 5. The attack must get at least one net hit against an unarmored target or three net hits against a target with armor. Once used, it takes a complex action to reload each Medusa extension.

  • When used as part of a swarm, each attack only expends 1 dose of toxin.

Metatype Reduction

(CF 73)

  • Does not count as a dermal augmentation or modification.

  • Cannot be taken by ork metavariants.

  • Does not stack with troll reduction for trolls. Stacks for orks.

Microwave Gun

(LCD 209)

  • Has a price of 20,000¥

  • Can take Top and Internal mods.

  • The base damage of Low Frequency setting is 1 matrix damage. It does not do Physical damage.

  • Low Frequency damage is resisted with Device Rating + Firewall or with Willpower + Firewall if your willpower is greater than the device rating of the target device and the device is running your persona. If your device is slaved to another device of a higher firewall, use the firewall of the master device.

  • Instead of RAW, to attack with the Low Frequency setting, the attacker must usually make a called shot, targeting a specific device. The penalty for the called shot is -6 if attacking a medium device like cyberlimbs, cyberdecks, RCCs, weapons or medium drones. The penalty is -8 if attacking small devices like commlinks, small or mini drones. The penalty is -10 if attacking even smaller devices like cyber eyes, cyber ears, micro drones, etc. No called shot is necessary if attacking a large object or whole body like a vehicle, a large (or larger) drone, anthro drones or a technomancer.

  • Changing between High and Low frequency mode is a Simple action (or a Free action if the weapon is wireless on).

Monofilament Weapons

Such as the Monofilament Whip cannot be used to purposefully deal Stun damage (eg: Sweep or Knuckle Breaker). Physical damage can still be converted to stun by armor.

Morrissey Alta

(SL 32) Is restricted instead of forbidden.

Multiprogram Operating System (MOS)

(KC 58)

  • Cannot run autosofts. But can run other programs for an RCC if connected to the RCC via it’s datacord.

  • Cannot be used by Technomancers.

  • Cannot run an Agent.

  • You can only benefit from one MOS at a time.

Narcoject Dazzler

(SL 46) Cannot blind the target. The effects stop at blinding glare penalties.

Narcoject Trackstopper

(SL 44)

  • The effect stacks cumulatively with subsequent attacks, but cannot take Agility below 0, even if additional foam is applied.

  • The penalties do not apply before the foam hardens.

  • If immobilized due to 0 Agility. The target cannot make defense tests or use cast spells.

  • Any attack made against a target, under the effect of hard foam, that deals damage will also apply the damage to the foam, potentially destroying it and freeing the target.


(CA 135) Ignore the stat box for painaides have a radius of 10 and use the rules for the Fichetti Pain Inducer. Painaides cost 100¥ each and have an availability of 10R.

Peak Discharge Battery Packs

(RG 52) Power Clips have an availability of 12R. Satchel Power Packs have an availability of 14R. Power Backpacks have an availability of 16R.


(NF 172) Does not deal fire damage.


(SR5 412) The sustaining benefits applies to not just spells, but complex forms as well.

Quickdraw Quiver

(HT 186) Wireless Bonus: Allows you to draw and load arrows with a Free action instead of a Simple.

Raw, Refined and Radical Reagents

(FA 188) Don’t stack. Only the highest effects apply.

Reaction Enhancers and Wired Reflexes

(SR5 455) When both are wireless active they can stack together and take Rea beyond augmented maximum of +4. Eg: Rea enhancers 3 (wireless on) + Wired reflexes 3 (wireless on) give you a +6 augmented Rea, instead of the usual +4.

Renraku Red Samurai Katana

(SL 132)

  • Has an availability of 24F and a cost of 30,000¥

  • If Renraku gains the knowledge of you possessing the blade, you gain the negative quality Wanted (Renraku); 50,000¥ bounty. This quality cannot be bought off till you get rid of the weapon. At GM discretion, Red Samurai may ambush you during any run.

Repeating Laser

(LCD 209) Has a price of 30,000¥

Ruthenium Polymer Coating

(RG 85) Penalty from RPC only applies to visual perception tests or sensors that rely on visual cues.

Shaman Tuxedo

(CA 143)

  • Costs 10,000¥ instead of 1000¥.

  • Can be made for any tradition.

  • Doesn’t need to actually look like a tuxedo, but must be worn over your armor

  • Is specific to one spirit type. Taking off the tuxedo after summoning a spirit of the chosen type will cause you to lose all remaining services for that spirit.

  • Makes you extremely obvious as a mage.

Shock Ram

(RG 104)

  • Is a two handed weapon that can be used by a single person.

  • The elemental damage is soaked separately from the non elemental part.

  • -AP of the weapon applies to both damage types.

  • Elemental damage is not increased by net hits on attack tests or from called shots.

  • Each rank of Special Modifications that grant DV, applies to either the non-elemental or elemental damage (your choice at purchase), but not both.


(SR5 452)

Costs Rating x 1000¥


(CF 88)

When applied to Centaurs (RF 98) or Centaur liminal body (CF 87) you need four skimmers to gain the same benefit that two skimmers provide for metahumans.

Smart Firing Platform

(SR5 433)

  • The smart firing platform has a Body of 3 and Armor of 0. It counts as a small drone and cannot make defense tests. It cannot take any drone mods other than autosofts.

  • The platform gains no RC bonus if attached to vehicles or solid surfaces. If the drone is destroyed any mounted gun is destroyed as well but the whole package can be recovered using the Nanomachines Son contact power.


(CF 184)

Counts as a toxin of Power 8, resisted by Body only (instead of Body + Willpower). Other enhancements that help with toxin resistance come into play as usual.

Striking Callus

(CF 121)

  • The damage applies only to base unarmed damage, not weapons (including natural weapons) that use the unarmed skill.

  • Is incompatible with Cyberlimbs.

Suprathyroid Gland

(SR5 459) Will stack with everything up to the +4 augmented maximum bonus.

Surplus or Refurbished Pi-Tac Units

(KC 73)

  • The maximum discount possible is 75%

  • You cannot repair lost functions, chosen during purchase. The Pi-Tac remains with one or more missing features permanently.


(R5 31)

Is a rigging program that can be run only on RCCs or the machinist Living Persona.

Tactical Apps

(KC 70)

All Tac Apps work with any Pi-Tac linked devices, be it cyberdeck, commlink or RCC (even if the book fails to mention it).

Tailored Perfume

(CA 143)

You may only benefit from the effect of one perfume at a time. The effects of a Tailored Perfume does not stack with that of Genemarked Pheromones. The listed cost is per use.

Troll Reduction

(CF 108)

  • Does not stack with metatype reduction for trolls. Stacks for orks.

  • Oni can only take rating 1 troll reduction.

  • Does not count as a dermal augmentation or modification.

Ultimax Rainforest Carbine

(GH3 32) We will use the Shadowrun Missions errata for it.

Vault of Ages

(FA 193)

  • It can hold a number of preps equal to its Rating x 2. The maximum force of each prep cannot exceed the vault’s Rating x 2.

  • Vault of ages has a maximum rating of 5. Its size depends on its rating as per the table below.




Fanny Pack


Satchel Bag


Large Backpack


Duffle Bag


Minifridge (Vehicle Portable)


  • Vehicles running autonomously do not have a limit (ie: handling) on their defense tests.

  • Standard or higher category vehicle weapon mounts can install Carbines.

  • Avibras-Nissan AN 822: Has an Acceleration of 3. (SFME 31)

  • Dodge Minotaur: Has an availability of 16R. (R5 73)

  • Krime Bazoo and Big Bazoo: The prices of all Bazoo and Big Bazoo cars are reduced by half and they all have an availability of 0. (KK 31)

  • Krime DeTruck Sports Truck: Has an availability of 0 and a price of 25,000¥. (KK 35)

  • Krime Dix Prime Mover: Has a price of 150,000¥. (KK 37)

  • Krime Euskaldunak Tankette: Has a price of 50,000¥. (KK 40)

  • Krime Prowler: Has an availability of 12R and a price of 72,500¥. (KK 34)

  • Krime SV-2 Crash Test: Has an availability of 0 and a price of 24,000¥. (KK 32)

  • Off-Road Suspension: Costs a flat 4000¥ irrespective of vehicle price. (R5 155)

  • Ram Plate: Stats are. Slots: 2, Category: Weapon modification, Threshold: 4, Tools: Shop, Skill: —, Avail: 8R, Cost: 1000¥. (R5 161)

  • Smuggling Compartment (Dwarf, Human, Elf or Ork): Costs 3500¥ and needs 6 slots to install. Category Body. This can only be installed in vehicles and drones of body 6 or higher. (SS 177)

  • Smuggling Compartment (Troll): Costs 7000¥ and needs 9 slots to install. Category Body. This can only be installed in vehicles and drones of Body 9 or higher.. (SS 177)

  • Yamaha Kaburaya: has an Acceleration of 4 and price of 8500¥. (R5 44)

Vulcan Systems “Hot-Drop” Rapid-Egress Jetpack System

(SL 55)

  • Has an availability of 16F and costs 40,000¥. Each refuel costs 500¥ and has an availability of 10F. Each refuel lasts for 20 uses.

  • Make a complex action Body + Gymnastics [Physical] (3) test, Freefall specialization applies. Success allows you to move in a straight line in any direction upto 50 meters. This does not use up any of your movement. Alternatively, you may use a simple action to slow down a fall from any height and take no fall damage (Friction may still burn you to a crisp if you try to do an orbital drop). Each use eats up 1 of 20 fuel. You may not benefit from this equipment while encumbered.

Wireless Bonus: The complex action movement becomes a simple action and the simple action descend becomes a free action.

Warform Modification

(HS 176)

  • Increases the availability by +4R (or F if the critter is F rated). Increases the price by +100% of the base value of the critter.

  • Warform Modification works much like Prototype Transhuman (CF 54). The modification and the 1 essence of essence-free bioware (standard or higher grade) and/or geneware must be chosen at the time of purchase. Once purchased the bioware cannot be upgraded in rating or grade and any left over free essence is lost.

Zapper Rounds

(KC 48)

  • Zapper rounds set the base DV and -AP of the weapon to 0. They do not benefit from anything (including called shots) that increase DV or -AP. The matrix damage dealt, that must be resisted, is equal to the net hits on the attack test.

  • To attack a device, the device must be at least partially visible or be detectable under armor/clothing. You cannot attack a device through hardened armor.

  • Burst fire or Full auto will apply defense penalties as normal instead of the rules in Kill Code p.49.

  • Damage from zapper rounds can be resisted with Willpower + Firewall instead, if your willpower is greater than the device rating of the target device and the device is running your persona. If your device is slaved to another device of a higher firewall, use the firewall of the master device.

  • Zapper rounds use light pistol ranges.

  • To attack with zapper rounds, the attacker must usually make a called shot, targeting a specific device. The penalty for the called shot is -6 if attacking a medium device like cyberlimbs, cyberdecks, RCCs, weapons or medium drones. The penalty is -8 if attacking small devices like commlinks, small or mini drones. The penalty is -10 if attacking even smaller devices like cyber eyes, cyber ears, micro drones, etc. No called shot is necessary if attacking a large object or whole body like a vehicle, a large (or larger) drone, anthro drones or a technomancer.


(CF 184)

  • Reduces all allergies by one level while the drug is active.

  • Any drug taken while Zero is active, has their addiction threshold reduced by 1. The addiction threshold of Zero itself is unaffected.

  • Removal of drug interaction does not work while under the effect of Zero via a chemical gland or while not undergoing surgery.


(CF 184)

  • Has an Availability of 6R and costs 100¥.

  • Has an Addiction Rating of 1 and Addiction Threshold of 2.

Last updated