

The charter serves as a guiding document for Neon Anarchy, gaming community as well as describe the responsibilities and authorities of its members.

Guiding Principles


To bring together players and game masters from around the world to play Shadowrun and possibly other tabletop RPGs together, in an online setting


  • Forever Free: Anyone can play here and it's completely free to do so. Real money will never be involved here.

  • Frag the RAW: We understand that Shadowrun 5e isn’t a balanced game and as such strongly advocate for house rules and homebrew, overturning RAW whenever needed.

  • Relaxed: This is a gaming group, not a nation state. We encourage minimally needed paperwork to keep track of things.

  • Trust: We trust in our members. GMs are free to choose the players they want on their run as long as they don’t develop nepotism. We place faith in our members to track their own GMP and character progress. We trust they will not resort to cheating.

Organizational Structure

Each staff member can get a maximum of 30 GMP from monthly stipends (per month) no matter how many departments they are in. They can get added GMP from non stipend sources such as Chargen reviewing sheets, Technical getting a bonus for finishing a project, Bounties, Server boosts, etc.

Chargen Department

  • Shall review and then approve or deny all player character applications.

  • Shall help members of the community with creating their characters.

GM & Lore Department

  • Shall be responsible for overseeing all game masters of the community. They will interview and then approve or deny GM applications as well as decide on GM advancement.

  • Shall review run proposals and approve or deny them or special run rewards.

  • Shall be responsible for approval or denial of restricted qualities for player characters.

  • Shall be responsible for hearing out player grievances regarding GMs.

  • Shall try their best to help members of the community with any lore issues.

  • Reserves the right to reduce or take away GMing privileges in case of repeated bad GMing or GM abuse.

  • Reserves the right to oversee and/or retcon any run if the run was deemed too destructive for the setting or blatantly offensive.

  • Manages contact powers.

Rules Department

  • Shall try their best in answering existing game mechanics questions (both RAW and house rules).

  • Shall help the Admin in answering threaded rules questions.

Technical Department

  • Shall help in building the digital infrastructure of the LC.

  • Take on new coding based projects that will make gaming easier, such as chummer amend files, improving the subreddit or other projects.

  • Technical Department are the engineers of the LC not tech support and thus aren’t responsible for helping out players. If they offer to help, players should take that as a courtesy, not a right.

Moderation Department

  • Moderators are responsible for maintaining community standards. They can issue informal or formal warnings and mute anyone who is not a member of moderation or the Admin.

  • Gather and present evidence for an against a case that involves breaking server rules and pending moderation.

Interpersonal Department

  • Interpersonal department is responsible for hearing out members of the community regarding any complaints and grievances they may have that are not game related.

  • Act as advocates for the members of the server they are hearing out or representing.

  • Act as a bridge between members and moderation when there is a communication gap between them, to smoothen out any rough edges.

  • Interpersonal department is sworn to confidentiality. Anything a server member says to the department stays confidential unless the member gives their permission to share. This means Interpersonal should blur out screenshots and such when sharing them, etc.

  • Interpersonal runs parallel to Moderation and thus cannot be moderated for simply performing their duties. Breaking server rules can still subject them to moderation, with Admin approval.

  • Members of Interpersonal cannot be a member of Moderation.


  • IP should be advocating for the members and a friendly face. They are meant to represent and present the perspective of the players that often the mods fail to see.

  • IPs purpose is not to moderate the mods but act as lawyers for the community.

  • If mods are the public prosecutor. IP is the defending lawyer and Admin the judge

  • The only reason IP is placed above Moderation is so that IP can maintain confidentiality and cannot be subjected to moderation for simply doing their job. However, that doesn't give IP any power whatsoever over Moderation.

  • Unless it's specifically involved resolving an ongoing conflict, IP are neither investigators nor prosecutors.

Additionally, follow these guidelines on how to be the ideal IP member.


  • Consists of 3 members including the server owner. 2 of them are elected by staff (and GMs) and/or selected by the server owner.

  • Have a tenure of 4 months or till they voluntarily step down or are removed from office.

  • Designs or alters house rules with feedback from GMs and all staff members.

  • Manages and approves feedback, homebrew, custom content, etc.

  • Oversees all departments as well as GMP payouts for all staff members and GMs. They have full authority in deciding or altering the GMP payouts and how the GMP would be given.

  • A vote of no confidence from staff members (including GMs) and/or the server owner can be used to remove an elected admin from office. More on that below.

Vote of No Confidence

In the event that a Co-Admin is believed to be incompetent, ineffective, or generally bad for the state of the server, a vote of no confidence can be initiated by any member of staff.

In order to initiate the process, the staff member must write a google doc explaining their reasoning and send it to the server owner. The staff member’s anonymity will be maintained for this process. A vote will then be held among all active members of staff. If 50% or more of staff members vote against the Co-Admin in question, then they will be removed from their position.

In case of the vote going against, a new election will be held among staff, similar to the first election of Co-Admin. This will be held in similar fashion to the initial election, although with only one position being taken up. If the vote goes in favor of the Co-Admin, they will maintain their status. In order to initiate another Vote of No Confidence, another submission for the vote must be sent to the server owner after a month has passed, in order to prevent abuse and to give the accused a chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of anybody who voted against them.

We at Neon Anarchy hope that this doesn’t ever have to be used, but will be implemented for extreme cases. Abuse of this system will not be tolerated (Targeting a Co-Admin for personal reasons, trying to steal their position, etc).

Last updated