Codes of Honor

The Necromancer’s Code (La Catophile)

(by DominaVioletta)

Requirement: Necro Magic tradition.

  • Show nothing but respect for the dead. Do not defile their former vessels, nor rob their belongings. When interacting with spirits of the Dead, show humility and respect. When gathering materials to summon them, take them sparingly and refrain from disturbing final resting places.

Restriction: You must never loot or financially profit from dead bodies. You can only procure bodies for purposes of Necro Summoning.

  • Revere the Underground: to quote Hermes Trismegistus, “As Above, So Below.” While many flock to the pleasures of the Above (the Matrix, express transportation, and the like), we tend to that which is unseen by the uninitiated. Relieve yourself of worldly luxuries to focus on the inevitable silencing of all things.

Restriction: You must never live above a low lifestyle.

  • Act in Service to La Danse Macabre: Death is the great equalizer, inescapable by even the mightiest of dragons. Follow Death and bear his Mask with pride, and in doing so, you will find comfort in his eventual embrace. Never attempt to rob from Him that which he has already embraced. Note that this does not necessarily permit violence towards our fellows, only that we shall lead their souls to the Great Underground when it is their time.

Restriction: Never stabilize or heal anyone in Physical overflow (including yourself).

Cyber Samurai’s Laws

(by Neodymium)

Requirement: At least 3 essence worth of augmentations.

  • First Law: You may not kill non-combatants, or through inaction allow non-combatants to be killed. You may not accept jobs which violate this Law. This law supersedes all other Laws.

  • Second Law: You must complete a job once you give your oath and your word to an employer, even if your team is inclined towards betrayal, unless doing so requires the violation of the First Law.

  • Third Law: You may not allow a teammate to die or be captured, through action or through inaction, unless doing so violates the First or Second Laws.

Straight Edge

(by Kalevra)

Lead a healthy lifestyle and strive for clean-living and positivity in this bleak world.


  • Abstain from addictive substances such as BTLs, Drugs, etc (anything covered by the Addiction negative quality).

  • Avoid substance dependency like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, etc (anything substance covered by the Dependents negative quality).

  • Only nourishment has to come from a vegan diet (+10% monthly Lifestyle cost).

  • Do not engage in meaningless sex outside of caring relationships.

Code of Theydies and Gentlethem

(by RibstonGrowBack)

Requirement: At least 4 ranks in Etiquette with High Society specialization. Incompatible with Uncouth or Uneducated.

It seems today people have forgotten such silly things as refinement, tactfulness, and respect. As a person of wealth and taste (or one who aspires to being one, as it were), you must send an example for those of less fortunate backgrounds, lacking your education and savoir-vivre.

  • Firstly, when meeting someone, always fully announce the name that you wish to be known by and any titles you hold that might give clout to your arguments in the current setting. That is as true in the ballroom as on the battlefield. True Theydies and Gentlethem will never attack anyone they have not introduced themselves to first.

Restriction: You may never use ambush tactics. If you haven’t introduced yourself before initiative has been rolled, you must spend a complex action on your first pass to introduce yourself properly and in a formal way before you can do anything else.

  • Secondly, true Theydies and Gentlethem never grace people who throw petty insults at them with their attention. If met with such a person, you are to thoroughly ignore them, unless they have made a clear attempt to cause harm to your body or that they make an apology.

Restriction: You must never fail a composure test against insults.

  • Thirdly, you must never be so crass as to denigrate someone on something that can't be helped. By this, we mean that you shall never stoop so low as to insult someone based on their body, race, metahumanity, gender, class or country of origin.

Restriction: You must not have the Prejudiced negative quality.

  • Lastly, Theydies and Gentlethem must never mislead someone romantically, and never use love as a weapon against anyone, for romance and courtly affections are the most sacred values of our kind.

Restriction: You may not use Con (Seduction) specialization or seduction in general, during a run.

Theydies and Gentlethem that cross any of these lines take a -1 Karma penalty. They also incur a -1 dice until the end of the run or until the wrong party accepts an heartfelt apology.

The Code of Arete

(by Pharaoh)

The Code of Arete, while it goes by many other names, revolves around a central understanding that excellence, both athletic and intellectual, is the ultimate moral virtue. It demands that its adherents pursue self-improvement of all kinds relentlessly, and sees weakness and reliance on others as inherently sinful. While not opposed to working with teams, the code forbids any interference in another's heroic journey. If an aspirant is to fail, they were not strong enough to succeed, and they must toil through the lessons of that failure until they grow strong enough to overcome them.


  • An aspirant will never accept a beneficial leadership or teamwork test from another creature. Tools, spells, adept powers, and other effects that provide teamwork bonuses to oneself are allowed. At GM discretion, a teamwork test that does not involve direct assistance may be allowed.

  • An aspirant will never accept any healing from another creature beyond stabilizing. Trauma patches and the like are allowed by the code, for the dead cannot grow, but any additional nursing of health past overflow, besides self-care, is prohibited. Autonomous healing systems are treated as tools as per the first tenet.

  • An aspirant will always attempt to resist spells, alchemical preps, and similar effects cast on him by others, including beneficial effects. Beneficial spells cast by oneself, one's own spirits, or one's own alchemical preps are allowed.

  • An aspirant must always push for self-improvement. Every month, he must spend at least one downtime slot on Training.

An aspirant of Arete loses 1 karma per tenet broken. If an aspirant fails to resist a beneficial spell or is medicated against his will, he suffers a cumulative -1 dice pool for the remainder of the run.

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