

Run Types

When posting a run, GMs should keep in mind what type of run they are GMing based on several categories listed below.


  • Private: Majority of the players are pre-selected or the run is based on a particular character, usually at the player’s request.

  • Public: Players post their character applications publicly and GM picks appropriate character from them.


  • Scheduled: The run is posted at least a day in advance in not a few days. The run post should accurately inform players when picks will be made so players not only get ample time to apply but set their schedules in order.

  • Impromptu: The run is posted a few hours before the game begins. Picks are generally made a few minutes to an hour before the game begins.

  • Overflow: An run that was posted in response to another run having too many player applications. Overflow runs are usually Impromptu but can be Scheduled in some cases where a run around the same time as another picks players who were not picked in the other run.

The Overflow run should begin roughly around the same time as the other run and should prioritize picking the players that were applied but were not picked in the other run. There can be multiple overflow runs should the player application quantity demand it.


  • Short: Under 3 hours.

  • Normal: 3-5 hours.

  • Long: Over 5 hours

  • Multi-session: Long enough to require multiple normal sessions.


  • Low: Opposition are pushovers. High chance of success. No complications should arise. No chance of PCs having to burn edge.

The primary purpose of low threat runs is to teach new players how to shadowrun as such GMs should run these as a tutorial. GMs should actively inform consequences to players (instead of dropping hints), warn players of bad ideas regardless of common sense, always assume competence and literally turn back time to retcon problems if needed. Players (especially new ones) should be considered to have the Common Sense quality, even if their characters don’t.

  • Medium: Opposition is weaker than the PCs but not pushovers. Good chance of success. Complications generally won’t arise unless the players frag things up. Low chance of PCs having to burn edge.

  • High: Opposition is competent. Moderate chance of success. Unforeseen complications may arise. PCs may have to burn edge.

  • Semi-Prime: Opposition can be more skilled than PCs. Good chance of failure. Unforeseen complications have a high chance of arising. High chance of PCs having to burn edge.

  • Prime: All bets are off the table. No punches are pulled. Unforeseen complications are sure to arise. Multiple fail state scenarios. Extremely high chance of PCs having to burn edge. DANGER!

Mock Run

Mock runs can be hosted by anyone on the server. You don’t need to have a GM tag to do so. Likewise, players don’t need to bring approved characters to a mock run, they can make whatever character they want as long as the GM running the mock run approves. The table doesn’t need to follow any of the house rules of Neon Anarchy. However, mock runs do not award any rewards, whether to the player or to the GM. An approved character cannot die and doesn’t need to burn edge in a mock run. There are no consequences.

Run Reward

Run rewards are mainly based on threat, then duration. If your game runs longer than what was posted, you may grant extra run rewards at the end of the run.


Run rewards are calculated in Run Value Point or RVP. Each point of RVP can be converted into one of the following:

  • 4000¥

  • 6000¥ worth of GM specified gear or lifestyle.

  1. Giving out gear above availability 18 requires approval from the GM&Lore department.

  2. Giving out power and weapon foci above rating 5 or any other foci above rating 6 requires approval from the GM&Lore department.

  3. Giving out deltaware to awakened or emerged requires approval from the GM&Lore department

  • 1 karma.

  • 1 karma of positive qualities properly roleplayed, at chargen price (you must gain enough karma to buy the quality in full at chargen price).

  • 1 karma to buy off a properly roleplayed negative quality at chargen price (you must gain enough karma to buy the quality off at chargen price).

  • 1 Street Cred. Awarding more than 1 street cred requires approval from the GM&Lore department.

  • 1 Connection or 1 Loyalty for a new contact. Contacts gained this way don’t require downtime slot(s). Awarding a contact with a connection greater than 6 and/or loyalty greater than 3 requires approval from the GM&Lore department. Contacts gained this way can be Shared contacts (shared between multiple player characters).

  • Increase Loyalty of an existing contact by 1 by paying a number of RVP equal to I. 1 RVP for L1>2. II. 2 RVP for L2>3 or L3>4. III. 3 RVP for L4>5 or L5>6. Contacts that are improved this way don’t require downtime slot(s). You cannot increase the Loyalty of a contact by more than 1 per run.

  • Increase Connection of an existing contact by 1 by paying a number of RVP equal to I. 2 RVP for C1>2. II. 4 RVP for C2>3 or C3>4. III. 6 RVP for C5 or higher.

For Shared contacts, RVP can be shared between members of the team. If raised this way the Connection of the Shared contact is raised for all player characters that have the contact (for free). Contacts improved this way don’t require downtime slot(s). You cannot increase the Connection of a contact by more than 1 per run. Increasing Connection beyond 6 requires approval from the GM&Lore department. Connection of Legacy Contacts (retired characters) cannot be raised.

Player Rewards

The minimum and maximum base RVP that can be awarded for each successful run is based on Threat.

  • Low: 4-7 RVP

  • Medium: 8-11 RVP

  • High: 12-15 RVP

  • Semi-Prime: 20-30 RVP

  • Prime: up to 40-60 RVP

Additional run rewards are given based on Duration. For every hour the run exceeds 5 hours or the listed time (whichever is higher), increase the RVP by 1. If the run fails, the minimum RVP given (for the player’s time) is 25% of the minimum RVP for a successful run, as karma only. Eg: A failed Medium threat run will award at least 2 karma. More karma can be given by the GM for failed runs, but it should not exceed half the minimum RVP for that threat level (Failure has consequences). Eg: A failed Medium threat run should not award more than 4 karma. In exceptional cases during semi-primes or primes where runners successfully complete most of the run but fail in the last part, more RVP can be given at GM discretion.

Knowledge Karma

Apart from the usual rewards that cost RVP, each completed or failed run rewards each player with 2 Knowledge Karma. These can only be used to purchase knowledge skills and knowledge skill specializations. They don’t count towards your street cred. This does not cost RVP and every player gets this by default. GMs should remind players in the Run Rewards section that they get this additional reward.

Giving Players RVP (Don’t!)

RVP is a GM only resource. Its sole purpose is for GMs to calculate and quantify the total value of the rewards being given out. GMs should avoid giving players RVP directly. Instead convert RVP to a mix of any of the options under the “RVP” section, above. Eg: If you plan on giving the players optional gear rewards. You can offer them a choice between 12,000¥ cash or 18,000¥ worth of these (specified) gear. In both cases it's 3 RVP, but avoid giving them the 3 RVP directly.


All loot must be accounted for within the RVP limits of the run. For this reason, looting is generally not very profitable. Your run would generally give you most of the RVP you need, but if you find a specific gear you wanted, you can ask your GM to allow you to keep it using part of the run reward RVP. Nuyen/RVP value of loot is treated as specific gear. Hence, 1 RVP = 6000¥ for purposes of loot.

Player Economy

These rules apply irrespective of whether two player characters belong to the same or different players.

  • Gear, Nuyen and Karma are not tradeable between two player characters. Small amounts of consumables may be traded between player characters while on a run (at GM discretion).

  • Gear can be temporarily loaned to another player for the duration of a run. At the end of the run, the owner gets their loaned gear back (provided it's not a consumable that has been consumed).

  • A player character cannot roll for availability or otherwise obtain gear for another player character (on or off run). Gear must be obtained by the character trying to get it, either by themself or via a contact they possess.

  • Outside of a run, a player character cannot help or teamwork another player character for something that falls under the domain of a Service Contact.

  • Unused GMP is freely tradable between different players.

  • At GM discretion, a player may sacrifice part of their run RVP (minimum 1) gained as nuyen and transfer it to another player character (as nuyen). This allows the gaining party to exceed the maximum RVP cap for the run. This should be no more than 2 RVP (8000¥). This must be done immediately after the run and noted in the GM AAR.


GM rewards are calculated in Game Master Points or GMP. Each point of GMP can be converted into one of the following.

  • 4000¥

  • 1 karma

Once converted they can be applied to any character the GM may have. Unused GMP is also freely tradable between different players. You may give GMP to other people in the community or post GMP bounties for running private games for you.

GM Rewards

GMs gain GMP for GMing runs. The base amount of GMP a GM gains depends on the threat level of the run. This GMP is awarded after finishing the run even if the AAR isn’t posted.

  • Low - High: 9 GMP

  • Semi-Prime: 24 GMP

  • Prime: 54 GMP

Additional GMP is awarded based on Scheduling or other factors. This GMP is awarded after finishing the run and satisfying any other criteria listed below.

  • Scheduled: +1 GMP if picks were made 24 hours in advance or +2 GMP if picks were made 48 hours in advance.

  • Overflow: +2 GMP per player, for picking each player who applied but wasn’t picked for the other game in whose response the overflow is being run.

  • Run was either streamed and/or uploaded to Youtube: +2 GMP. This can be done by the GM or the players. GMP is awarded to whoever does it.

  • Run is multi-session: +1 GMP per hour that extra sessions have run.

  • Requested Run: +2 GMP if the GM is not being bribed with GMP by the player requesting the run.

  • Everybody gets one: +1 GMP for picking each player (not character) who hasn’t played in a run in 2 weeks. +2 GMP for picking each player (not character) who is yet to play in their first run on this LC.

An additional 6 GMP is awarded upon writing the run’s AAR and posting it on /r/NeonAAR. The GMP is awarded to whoever writes the AAR and can be shared by multiple people. This is ideally to be written by the GM (and the first right always goes to the GM) but the GM may permit one of the players on the run to write it instead (if the GM. If the GM does not post the run AAR within 1 month anyone can write the AAR after confirming the details and events of the run from the GM or a player of the run.

Metaplot GMP

Whenever you GM a game within a metaplot who's last game was GM'd by someone other than you, you gain +1 GMP. Additionally, when a metaplot ends, every GM that has participated in the metaplot gets extra GMP equal to the total number of runs in the metaplot.

In order to claim this GMP, the metaplot must have a metaplot page and the new run must have a completed GM AAR. Make a new Metaplot post on /r/NeonAAR describing the lore, background and limits of the metaplot. This is usually done by the creator of the metaplot, but can be done by anyone. You can update the post to add in new details. The metaplot may be a CGL based metaplot, completely homebrew, or anything in between. Once a metaplot page has been made, any run that falls under that metaplot, its GM AAR should be linked to the metaplot page as a comment. This should be done by the respective GMs of the runs.

Run Content

Reusing Material

Re-using run concepts, ideas, locations, npcs, etc is allowed. Rehashing the same run with a slightly different coat of paint is also allowed as long as the GM picks a different set of runners for their run and has a considerable time gap between rehashed runs. But running the exact same run over and over, in a short amount of time, to earn GMP is frowned upon. GMs are encouraged to make their runs as unique as possible.

Pre-made Runs

Pre-made runs are ready to be GM’d runs made by GMs for other GMs. They are like a D&D module or adventure path. So detailed that a GM needs only read the run doc to GM a game without consulting anyone. The goal is to allow people to GM without having to put in the effort of designing their own runs. Each pre-made run is designed to be generic and can be run an infinite number of times without affecting a metaplot or lore of Shadowrun. GMs can make changes to the pre-made runs to add their own twists should they desire, but it's not necessary. However, please keep the title of the run the same as the original writer wrote. GM-ing a Pre-made run offers the same GMP as GMing any other run. Making a pre-made run awards 15 GMP to the writer as well as 3 GMP royalty, each time someone other than you GMs your run.


Using a GMPC is frowned upon. To be able to use a GMPC in a run requires a run proposal and explicit GM&Lore department approval.


PvP is always at the GMs discretion. The GM has the right to say no to a PvP even if the players agree. Shadowrun is an unbalanced and unfair system, thus GMs are encouraged to not allow PvP for trivial reasons, unless it adds value and narrative to the run. If PvP does happen, make sure the desire to PvP is not one sided and both parties agree to it. Don’t let players burn edge to smackdown in PvP and if edge is burnt to “Not Dead Yet”, the PC that burnt edge gets to live. No PC can circumvent that. How the narrative and world bends to not allow the winner to simply dump 6 bullets into the downed loser’s head is up to the GM, but the forces of fate will change to accommodate that.

Multi-session Exclusivity

Characters in the middle of multi-session runs are free to go on other runs unless either of the GMs chooses not to let them. This should be clearly communicated in advance to avoid any issues.

Run Content Limitations

Using Canon Material

Neon Anarchy does not abide by the canon and canon events of the main game, as such GM can alter canon of Neon Anarchy, significantly from that of the publishers. However to ensure that canon materials are treated in a way that makes sense, if a GM wishes to use canon characters and/or alter canon events and/or locations, they must take explicit approval from the GM&Lore department. Canon material includes, but is not limited to.

  • Named NPCs (such as Damien Knight)

  • Named dragons (such as Lofwyr)

  • Named immortal elves (such as Harlequin)

  • Canon events (such as death of Neo-Net)

  • Canon locations (such as ACHE)

GMs are forbidden from using any named shadowrunner character belonging to any freelancer, such as Clockwork, Bull MacCallister, Netcat, Slamm-0, etc. Neither these characters nor Jackpoint exists in the Neon Anarchy universe. Hence they cannot be used in any form.

Needs Approval

Additionally, using any of the things listed below, in a run requires approval from the GM&Lore department. This is not to discourage GMs from using these set pieces, in fact GMs are encouraged to do so. It's to keep the GM&Lore department informed that these world altering set pieces are being used in an appropriate way so as to not break the game. Advanced GMs don’t need approval to use any of these things in their game.

  • Dragons

  • Immortal elves

  • Horrors

  • Yama kings

  • Elder gods

  • Spirits of a god like force (eg: a F30 spirit)

  • WMDs (including nukes)

  • Plots to damage landmark locations or RP locations.

  • Plots to inflict lasting damage to a major gang or crime syndicate

  • Plots to inflict massive damage to a AA or AAA corp

  • Plots to overthrow a government

  • Plots to assassinate a high ranking politician, holding office

  • Future tech or tech homebrewed by GM for use in their runs only.

  • Thor shots or the Excalibur orbital laser

  • Space travel

Lore Issues

While we do not stick to canon lore, if a run is found to be too disruptive for the world. The GM&Lore department reserves the right to retcon the run. In which case both players and GMs will retain the run rewards but the events of the run would have never happened. To avoid something like this from happening, GMs are advised to submit detailed run proposals for approval so the GM&Lore department is informed of what is about to happen in the run.

Table Rules

GMs can have their own table rules which can make minor changes to RAW. This is a great power and should be used responsibly. A table rule cannot overturn Neon Anarchy’s house rules in any way. Or RAW in a way that it alters how a player character’s build works. However, it's a great tool for things such as using custom mass combat rules, making new homebrew creatures, boss mechanics, spells, powers and gear; limited to that run. GMs should mention any table rules they plan to use on their GM Style Sheet or as “tags” and link/mention it in their run post. To be on the safe side, discussing any table rules with the players, before starting a run is a good idea.

Game Masters

GM Rank

GMs fall into 3 ranks.

  • Probie: Probational GMs are beginners GMs. They need a run proposal approved for High threat runs and cannot run semi-primes or primes. If the probie GM seeks a coach, they don’t need approval for high threat runs.

  • Standard: A standard GM can run any run, but they need a run proposal approved to run a semi-prime or a prime run. If the standard GM seeks an advanced GM coach, they don’t need approval for semi-prime runs.

  • Advanced: Advanced GMs can run any run without needing a run proposal. Additionally, they do not need GM&Lore department approval to use anything under the “Needs Approval” list of “Run Content Limitations” section.

Becoming a GM

To become a GM, you just have to be interviewed by a member of the GM&Lore department. This is less of an approval process and more about gauging your strengths and weaknesses so the GM&Lore department can help you improve them. Based on your competence you’ll be given either a Probational or Standard rank. In rare cases a known veteran GM coming into the community may be given an Advanced rank.

GM Advancement

GM can advance to a new rank by having a good track record as a GM and getting good recommendations from your chosen GM coach(s). Advancement is solely at the discretion of the GM&Lore department. It is expected for a Probational GM to have successfully run at least 2 high threat runs before applying for a Standard rank. Standard GMs are expected to successfully run at least a semi-prime and a prime run before applying for an Advanced rank.

Run Proposal

Run proposals are tools for the GM to write up detailed information about the run. This should include the overview, the events of the run and the possible outcomes and consequences. It should also include information about the kind of opposition, obstacles and challenges you plan on using.


After Action Report is a tool for the GM to write up about the run that was GMed. This should include the events that led to the run happening, the events of the run as well as the outcomes and consequences of the run. The run should have the run date, run name, names of runners and run rewards clearly listed. It should also have a list of the NPC opposition and names of important NPCs involved in the run. If an NPC with a name died on the run, it should be mentioned. 6 GMP is awarded upon writing the run’s AAR and posting it on /r/NeonAAR. The GMP is awarded to whoever writes the AAR and can be shared by multiple people. This is ideally to be written by the GM (and the first right always goes to the GM) but the GM may permit one of the players on the run to write it instead (if the GM. If the GM does not post the run AAR within 1 month anyone can write the AAR after confirming the details and events of the run from the GM or a player of the run.

Player AAR

Once a GM AAR has been posted on /r/NeonAAR. Players who played in that game can (optional) write an AAR in response to that (comment on the post). This should be done in character, from the player character’s perspective (the character must have participated in the run). You can describe how the run went. Your thoughts on the run itself, your fellow runners and the NPCs involved. It's like writing a journal, recounting the events of the run. The AAR should be a minimum of one or two paragraphs (more if you are feeling creative). Each player AAR written gives you (the player) 2 GMP.

GM Coaching

A Standard or Advanced GM can coach willing Probie GMs. An Advanced GM can coach willing Standard GMs. This should only be done if the trainee GM asks for help and training. The trainee GM must be the one willingly approaching the coach (not the other way around) and the trainee chooses their own coach (provided the coach is willing). Coaching involves one or both of the following:

  • Helping the trainee GM design their runs, while cultivating the trainee’s skills.

  • Co-GM a run with the trainee GM. This involves sitting through part or whole of the run and helping when asked or pointing out errors while not disrupting the game.

A probie GM that is coached, need not seek approval for high threat runs, from the GM&Lore department. A standard GM that is coached, need not seek approval for semi-prime runs. For each run coached, the coaching GM gets 10 GMP.

GM Guidelines

Style Sheet

GMs are encouraged to maintain a GM style sheet that conveys how they like to GM shadowrun, their personal gripes and ways of handling things in game. This should be linked to the run post. Some information that is useful to have in your style sheet included, but is not limited to.

  • Whether you are fine with players declining a job at the meet.

  • Whether you prefer a railroad or open ended runs.

  • How gritty and realistic you keep your games.

  • Overall power level of your NPCs in your game.

  • What power level PCs you prefer.

  • What consequences, if any, you impose on failure.

GM Expectations

  • Games are meant to be fun and to relax. GMs have the power of god at the table and with great power comes great responsibility. Try to make sure everyone has fun.

  • Please do not abuse your power and authority as the GM to make a player’s life hell or to force uncomfortable issues and situations on to your players.

  • Please avoid adversarial GMing. It's fine to toss challenges at your players, but if you actively try to kill the PCs, that leads to a lot of bad feels and is considered poor GMing.

  • You can run the kind of shadowrun you want to run. Whether ultra gritty black trench coat or saint row pink mohawk or anything in between. Players may or may not agree with your style and have their own preferences. Feel free to pick players that conform to your ideals. Keep in mind there is no one true way to play shadowrun. Your preferences should be clearly communicated in your style sheet.

  • Avoid nepotism. We all have friends or players we resonate with but try to pick different players each time for your run and keep up the variety of runners at your table. While we will never force a GM to pick certain runners or not pick certain runners. Observed patterns of nepotism will lead you to lose your GMing privilege.

  • Know the rules. Shadowrun is complex and crunchy and its fine to forget specific rules but you should have a good overall idea of how the game works.

Assumed Competence

Shadowrunners make a lot of decisions in everyday life that ensure they can keep working as a runner or otherwise improve their quality of life. Things like wiping astral signatures, wearing a mask, wearing proper attire, turning off their SIN for committing a crime or knowing when and what weapon to carry. Its best to assume the competence of these runners and that players are doing these things unless they show clear signs that they are not.

However, it's not mandatory for a GM to assume competence. If you do not assume competence you must clearly communicate that in your run post, style sheet and at the beginning of the run so players are well aware what they are getting into.

Notoriety and Negative qualities.

Notoriety can be given out to runners as consequence for their actions. GMs should not give a runner more than 1 point of notoriety per game, unless their actions were truly disastrous on a large scale. Negative qualities can also apply to runners as consequence. GMs are advised to work with the players to decide the best negative quality to give out, do not force a negative quality on a character. If a negative quality is given out as a result of a player burning edge to Not Dead Yet, refrain from giving out negative qualities if the character has a high edge pool. The karma cost of burning edge at a high edge pool is punishment enough.

Burning Edge

If a player character burns edge to Not Dead Yet, the character must remain playable. If required, remove the character from the run to ensure their safety and continued existence.

An NPC doesn’t need to burn edge to Not Dead Yet. The GM has the full authority to use the power of plot to keep their plot relevant NPCs alive. NPCs should refrain from burning edge to smackdown PCs.

Last updated