
Banned Stuff

Banned Characters

  • AI [NPC only]

  • Drakes [NPC only]

  • Infected [NPC only]

  • Pixies [NPC only]

  • Naga [NPC only]

Banned Lifestyle

  • Any lifestyle option listed in Core Rule Book, Run Faster or Hard Targets that reduces the base price of the lifestyle or reduces training times and cost.

  • Commercial or Traveller lifestyle.

Banned Skills and Skill Groups

  • Aeronautics Mechanic (active skill). Is replaced by Mechanic (active skill)

  • Automotive Mechanic (active skill). Is replaced by Mechanic (active skill)

  • Biotech (skill group)

  • Biotechnology (active skill)

  • Chemistry (active skill). Is replaced by Chemistry (knowledge skill)

  • Cybertechnology (active skill)

  • Diving

  • Exotic skills (all types)

  • Freefall

  • Industrial Mechanic (active skill). Is replaced by Mechanic (active skill)

  • Instruction (active skill)

  • Nautical Mechanic (active skill). Is replaced by Mechanic (active skill)

Banned Qualities

  • Amnesia (Surface loss or Neural deletion) (RF 152)

  • Apt pupil (FA 32)

  • Better to be feared than loved (CF 54)

  • Blood crystals (FA 132-134) [NPC only]

  • Borrowed time (RF 153)

  • Carrier (HMHVV II or III) (RF 141)

  • Dead emotion (CF 57)

  • Dead SIN (BTB 162)

  • Dracoform (any ) (HS 163)

  • Dual-natured defender (FA 36)

  • Earther (RG 169)

  • Friends in high places (RF 147)

  • Groveler (KC 96)

  • Hung out to dry (RF 155)

  • In debt (RF 156)

  • Infected (any)

  • Information auctioneer (KC 78)

  • Latent dracomorphosis (HS 164)

  • Massive network (NF 177)

  • Mentor spirit: Doom, Disease, Pollution, Mutation, Planar entity, Tohu wa bohu. [NPC only]

  • Mystic foreman (FA 38)

  • One of them (CF 58)

  • Pregnant (BB 12)

  • Prime datahaven membership (DT 45)

  • Puppet master (FA 39)

  • Revels in murder (CF 56)

  • Stay out of my way (SL 127)

  • Stolen gear (NF 177)

  • Taboo transformer (FA 42)

  • Team Player (KC 97) [Teamwork can be done without needing this quality]

  • This is your last chance (SL 127)

  • Tough and targeted (CF 60)

Banned Magic

  • Anchoring metamagic (SG 152) [NPC only]

  • Anything related to Blood magic (except Noble sacrifice), Toxic magic, Shedim or Insect spirits. [NPC only]

  • Convert blood to ichor (SSP 18)

  • Convince (SS 189)

  • Dark magic tradition (DTR 165) [NPC only]

  • Draconic tradition (FA 76) [NPC only]

  • Elder god tradition (FA 78) [NPC only]

  • Hybrid traditions

  • Inflict disease (SSP 19)

  • Lightning blade (FA 199)

  • Multiply food (FA 50)

  • Nine paths to enlightenment (SG 140)

  • Petrify (SSP 21)

  • Planar magic tradition (FA 87) [NPC only]

  • Reckless Conjuring (SG 192)

  • Rot (SSP 20)

  • Shape [material] (SG 118)

  • Soul tether [NPC only]

  • Spirit leashing (FA 182)

  • Turn to goo (SG 119)

  • Quickening metamagic (SR5 326)

Banned Matrix

  • Dissonance [NPC only]

  • Draining spike (KC 101)

Banned Miscellaneous

  • Making money from performances (No Future)

Banned Gear

  • Ares bug stomper armor (SL 130) [GMs can give this to PCs for the duration of their run]

  • COS grenades (KC 54)

  • Cyber-N and Cyber-EX series cyberdecks (KC 60)

  • Douser grenades (KC 54)

  • DumDum grenades (KC 55)

  • E0-E0 rounds (KC 51)

  • Future tech [GMs can give this to PCs for the duration of their run]

  • Fuzzy rounds and grenades (KC 50, 53)

  • Gammaware and Omegaware

  • Hardened Mil-Spec armor (RG 66) [GMs can give this to PCs for the duration of their run]

  • Horizon noizquito (R5 128)

  • Immunization (CF 164)

  • MADAR (LCD 89) [GMs can give this to PCs for the duration of their run]

  • Official Emergency Vehicles (SS 187) [NPC only]

New Active Skills

These new active skills that will replace certain existing skills. For exotic weapons, each exotic weapon or exotic weapon class (in bold), covered under the skill will serve as a valid specialization for their listed skill. For specializations that cover a class of exotic weapons, the weapons that they cover are written beside them. None of the listed skills can be defaulted.

Directed Energy

(Combat Active. AGI Linked) Ranged weapons that direct some kind of energy beam at a target.Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Ares Screech Sonic Rifle. (RG 26)

  • Fichetti Pain Inducer. (SR5 430)

  • Laser Weapons: Ares Redline (RG 48), Ares Lancer MP Laser (RG 48), Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser (RG 49), Repeating Laser (LCD 209), Ares armatus (HT 184)

  • Microwave Gun. (LCD 209)

  • Narcoject PEP. (SL 44)

Exotic Ballistic

(Combat Active. AGI Linked) Ballistic ranged weapons that fire non-standard ammunition. Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Blowgun. (RG 26)

  • Grapple Guns: Grapple Gun (SR5 449), Tactical Grapple Gun (HT 187), Grapple Hand (CF 87)

  • Harpoon Guns. (RG 22)

  • Net Guns. (RG 28)

  • Bola Launchers. (RG 52)

Spray Weapons

(Combat Active. AGI Linked)

Ranged weapons that spray some form of liquid or aerosol at the target. Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Ares S-III Super Squirt. (SR5 429)

  • Atomizer. (FA 193)

  • BioSprayer: Sprayer (CF 121), Chemical Gland (Exhalation Spray or Spitter) (CF 112), Natural Venom (Spit) (RF 117), Corrosive Spit (RF 113), SpiderSilk Gland (CF 114)

  • Flamethrowers: Halloweener Barbeque Lighter (TSG 29), Shiawase Arms Incinerator (GH3 36), Shiawase Blazer (RG 50), Flame Bracer (HT 184), Flametosser (CF 91)

  • Hold-Fast Adhesive Spray. (RG 104)

  • Narcoject Gas Gun. (SL 43)

  • Narcoject Trackstopper. (SL 44)

  • Spray Pen: Pepper Punch Pen and Modified Spray Pen (CA 134)

Flexile Melee

(Combat Active. AGI Linked)

Melee weapons that are wire, whips, chains or rope based. Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Bullwhip. (RG 20)

  • Garrote: Standard or Monofilament (RG 20)

  • Improvised: Chain (RG 22)

  • Monofilament Whip. (SR5 423)

  • Oral Slasher. (CF 92)

  • Yo-Yo: Bladed, Hardened or Monofilament Yo-Yo (NF 171)

Atypical Melee

(Combat Active. AGI Linked) Melee weapons that are awkward to use with any other skill. Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Battering Rams. (RG 103)

  • Chainsaw: Ash Arms Chainsaw (RG 21), Monofilament Chainsaw (SR5 448)

  • Injection: Injector Pen (CA 134), Medusa Extensions (CA 147)

  • Rolling Blades: Rolling Blades and Skateboards; both bladed or hardened (NF 171)

  • Shield: Ares Briefcase Shield (CA 136), Ballistic Shield (SR5 438), Riot Shield (SR5 438), Blast Shield (RG 104)


(Technical Active. LOG Linked) This skill condenses the four different mechanic skills in RAW into a single skill. Each bullet point in bold is a valid specialization for the skill.

  • Aeronautics Mechanic: Covers all flying vehicles and drones.

  • Automotive Mechanic: Covers all land based vehicles and drones.

  • Industrial Mechanic: Covers gear and anthro drones.

  • Nautical Mechanic: Covers all aquatic vehicles and drones.

Reorganized Exotic Weapons and Vehicles

Exotic weapons and vehicles that are not covered by the new skills have been included into existing active skills. They no longer use exotic weapon skills and instead use the listed active skills.

  • Bolas: Uses Throwing Weapons skill. (RG 28)

  • Chakram: Uses Blades for melee and Throwing Weapons for thrown attacks. (RG 20)

  • Festo Pigeon 2.0: Uses Pilot Aircraft skill. (R5 129)

  • FN-AAL Gyrojet Pistol: Uses Pistols skill. (RG 26)

  • Frog Tongue: Uses Unarmed Combat skill (Natural Weapon specialization). (RF 115)

  • Functional Tail (Thagomizer): Uses Unarmed Combat skill (Natural Weapon specialization). (RF 115)

  • Goring Horns: Uses Unarmed Combat skill (Natural Weapon specialization). (RF 115)

  • Gun Canes: Uses Pistols skill. (RG 27)

  • Krime Stun Lance: Uses Clubs skill or the Blades skill at a -2 penalty. (SL 24)

  • Laced Lipstick: Uses Unarmed Combat skill. (SS 178)

  • Micro Flare Launcher: Uses Pistols skill. (SR5 449)

  • Parashield Dart Pistol: Uses Pistols skill. (SR5 430)

  • Parashield Dart Rifle: Uses Longarms skill. (SR5 430)

  • Proboscis: Uses Unarmed Combat skill (Natural Weapon specialization). (RF 117)

  • Quills: Uses Unarmed Combat skill (Natural Weapon specialization). (RF 111)

  • Shiawase Arms Simoom: Uses Pistols skill. (HT 184)

  • Shooting Bracer: Uses Pistols skill. (RG 28)

  • Stimtouch Hosiery: Uses Unarmed Combat skill (SS 178)

  • Throwing Syringe: Uses Throwing Weapons skill. (HT 184)

Reorganized Skills and Groups

  • Diving: Is now performed using Swimming + Body [Physical], not Intuition. Diving is now a specialization of the Swimming skill.

  • Engineering: Is now made of Armorer, Demolitions and Mechanic.

  • Freefall: Is now performed using Gymnastics + Body [Physical]. Freefall is now a specialization of the Gymnastics skill.

  • Hunting: Is a new skill group made up of Archery, Exotic Ballistic and Throwing Weapons.

Custom Drugs

Custom drugs (CF 190) can have a maximum addiction threshold of 4. Drugs may only be designed as long as the threshold does not exceed 4. When designing a drug keep in mind the following.

  • The maximum bonus to an attribute from all sources is +4.

  • The base duration for a customized drug is 10 x 1d6 minutes. The base vector is injection (not ingestion) and the base speed is 3 combat turns.

  • Custom drugs that grant positive bonuses to only physical attributes (Bod, Str, Agi, Rea) have Physiological addiction. Drugs that grant positive bonuses to only mental attributes (Int, Log, Cha, Wil) have Psychological addiction. Drugs that grant positive bonuses to a mix of physical and mental attributes have an addiction type of Both.

  • Custom drugs can only be of Standard grade.

Choose a Foundation

Foundations have an addiction threshold of 0 and an addiction rating of 6. You can only choose one foundation.

Choose Blocks

  • Each level of each block increases the addiction threshold of the drug by 1 (Eg: a level 2 block increases the addiction threshold by 2). You must choose a minimum of one block and a maximum of two blocks (at whichever level). The same block cannot be applied to a drug more than once (even at different levels).

  • Each block (regardless of level) increases the addiction rating by 1.

  • A block that has a negative modification is incompatible with another block that has a positive modification on the same attribute. Additionally, if a foundation has a negative modifier for an attribute, only Level 1 or Level 2 or a block positively modifying that attribute can be used.

  • Block 9 (Shock & Awe) is now an advanced block and only has 2 levels. Level 3 has been removed.

Choose Enhancers

  • Each custom drug can have two free enhancers (including the same enhancer twice). This does not raise the addiction threshold, addiction rating, availability or price of the drug.

  • Each additional enhancer (per level) increases both the addiction threshold and the addiction rating of the drug by 1 each (Eg: Speed enhancer applied twice, increases the addiction threshold and the addiction rating by 2).

  • Long Lasting is a new enhancer. It cannot be taken as a free enhancer. Long Lasting is incompatible with the Duration Enhancer as well as with Level 2 and 3 blocks. It changes the base duration of the drug to (12 - Body) hours, minimum 1 hour. This makes the drug compatible with Chemical gland (Gradual release).

Buying or Crafting Custom Drugs

Custom drugs can be purchased by either personally rolling for availability or via a Gear Contact (Chemist) of any Connection rating. Using the same methods you may also buy raw materials for crafting custom drugs yourself (the availability remains the same but the cost is half). You need a Chemistry worksop/facility (RF 224) or a Special Work Area (SR5 374). Make an extended test using Knowledge skill Chemistry + Logic [Mental] (Drug’s Availability x 2). This must be done via the Prepwork downtime action (A single slot’s worth allows you to craft as much as you want). A glitch on any part of the Extended Test requires the player to start the entire test over with no successes; a critical glitch means the ingredients are destroyed and cannot be used. Check out our list of Pre-Made Custom Drugs. This spreadsheet was borrowed and modified from ALitD LC.


Action Downgrade

A Simple action may be downgraded to a Free action, in case you need a free action and have an extra simple to spare.


  • Addiction tests must be made with every use of a drug or BTL (ignore the addiction rating, simply use the addiction threshold). For drugs or BTLs with “both” addiction, roll Willpower + Body or Logic (whichever is lower). Only permanent effects to attributes count into this roll. Attribute increases from spells, temporary drugs or other temporary effects do not count.

  • Taking multiple drugs or BTLs at the same time is now more dangerous. With every additional drug or BTL taken beyond the first, increase the addiction threshold for the new drug or BTL by +1. This holds true even if you take a mix of drugs and BTLs. These effects happen in addition to drug interaction rolls.

  • Taking multiple Drugs or a mix of Drugs and BTLs will cause drug interaction. Just taking multiple BTLs won’t.

  • Two or more Drugs, two or more BTLs as well as Drugs and BTLs (taken together) with shared effects will cause Overdosing (SR5 415).

  • You may buy hits on addiction tests so long as you are not under the effects of any other drug or BTL.

  • Foci addiction and Skillwires addiction is no longer a thing.

  • Addiction for things that are not statted drugs in the book are handled by the Dependents quality. Eg: smoking or alcohol dependency.

Animal Handling

  • The number of tricks a critter is capable of learning is 2x their Logic (not 1x Logic). Domesticated critters can learn a number of tricks equal to 3x their Logic. (HS 183)

  • You may train critters using the “Prep Work” downtime action listed in our Downtime Rules.

  • We will use SR Missions animal prices and availability. This can be enabled in Chummer by going to Tools > Options > Optional Rules.

  • Critter pets can use their own edge for defense, drug addiction rolls and any resistance test rolls (soak, toxin resistance, etc). Player owned critters cannot burn their edge or use their edge for offensive actions. Which rolls are to be edged depends on the player who owns the critter. A rigged in critter cannot use their own edge.

  • You may burn your own edge to Not Dead Yet for your critter pet(s). If multiple critters go down in the same turn, a single edge is enough to Not Dead Yet them all.

Armor Stacking

  • Armor from cyberlimbs (includes hand/feet, cyber skulls, cyber torso and liminal body) no longer stacks with any other implanted armor (except each other) or ware that provides bonuses to damage resistance, like bone density or bone lacing.

  • Cyber hands or feet can contain a maximum of 1 armor each. Partial cyber limbs or partial cyber skulls can contain a maximum of 2 armor each. Full cyber limbs, torsos and full cyber skulls can take 3 armor each.

  • Armor from two different magic sources (spell/alchemical prep or adept power) does not stack with each other or with any other type of implanted armor, or ware that provides bonuses to damage resistance.

  • Armor from skin implants will stack with armor/soak enhancements from bone implants.


Any instance or type of ware, qualities, magic or technomancer ability that can permanently augment your initiative or attribute counts as an augmentation. Permanent bonuses from drugs via Chemical gland (Gradual release) or BTLs don’t count as augmentations and still count as temporary effects.

Called Shots and Attack Actions

  • Aimed Burst: Cannot be used with medium or wide choke settings. (RG 119)

  • Brain Blaster: The attack loses the -5 to defense. Cannot be used with medium or wide choke settings. (RG 119)

  • Bulls-Eye Double-Tap/Burst: Does not apply any penalty to defense tests. This called shot cannot be used with an attack that fires less than 2 or more than 3 rounds. (RG 116)

  • Down the Gullet: Cannot be used against targets wearing armor that covers their face (RG 116)


(CF 124-125)

  • Even if you fail to successfully counter attack, you still reduce the hits of the incoming attack by an amount equal to your hits on your Counterstrike/Riposte test. Basically it's just like a defense test and the attacker's hits - your hits will determine the net hits.

  • Can be used against touch attacks (including touch spells). If you successfully Counterstrike/Riposte, you will not set off the touch spell.


(SR5 201)

  • Damage from crashes is calculated using the formula:

[(Vehicle Tier x 10) - Vehicle Body] + (Vehicle Tier x Current Speed attribute of Vehicle) + GM fiat modifier. Minimum 10 DV

All crash damage has -6AP. These rules only apply if Speed + Tier = 4 or more. Below that there is no meaningful damage. However, the GM is free to ignore the formula, change it or decide the crash damage as best suited for the situation. The GM is the final arbiter.

  • The damage is Stun if the crash DV is less than the character’s modified armor, or Physical if the crash DV is equal to or greater than the character’s modified armor. All other effects of crashes remain as per RAW.

  • Passengers resisting crash damage do not gain the armor of the vehicle on their damage resistance test (except passenger protection system).

Cyberlimbs and Average Agi/Str

  • When using full cyberlimbs, use average agility and strength to determine the agi and str of your whole body. Averages are calculated using 2 arms (Nartaki can choose any two arms), 2 legs and torso. These are also used to calculate the physical limit.

  • When using partial cyberlimbs the average of each limb is first calculated between the partial and non cyberlimb meat part. The result is then used for whole body average calculation as described in point 1.

  • Weapons use Agi/Str of cyberarms (1 or 2 depending on 1-handed or 2-handed weapons). Locksmith uses the average of two cyberarms.

  • Movement is calculated using the average Agi of both legs only. Upper body doesn’t count.

  • Sneaking, Gymnastics, Swimming, Lifting/Carrying and Armor encumbrance use full body average values.

  • Effects that reduce Agi or Str target the full body average value.

  • An FLR/FBR character has Agi or Str listed as X(Y). X is the unaugmented meat attribute and Y is the full body average attribute (in combination with cyberlimbs). Any effect that reduces Agi or Str ignores X and directly affects the Y value. If Y reaches 0, the FLR/FBR character is paralyzed, preventing you from taking any physical actions with your cyberlimbs. However, as long as your Y value is above 0, you can use your individual cyberlimbs without any penalty. Even if all four of your limbs and torso are cybernetic, these penalties (including penalties from drugs) will directly apply to your Y value on a 1:1 basis.

  • While cyberlimbs themselves cannot benefit from positive effects of drugs and spells that grant bonuses to Str or Agi. The value of X does gain the positive bonuses upto +4. This in turn may increase the full body average value Y as long as at least one of your 4 limbs or torso is not a cyberlimb. Penalties, however, will directly apply to Y (bypassing X) for game balance reasons.

Damage Conversion S->P

If you are under the effects of a Pain Editor (SR5 460), FFF (DT 58) or Numb (LCD 204), once your stun track is full, any extra Stun damage converts to Physical damage on a 1:1 basis (instead of the usual 2:1).

Drone and Vehicle Speeds

Instead of RAW, Drone and Vehicle speeds will be based on This Spreadsheet. The speeds also determine ramming damage listed in the spreadsheet. This table was borrowed and modified from the Scrapyard LC.


Cannot be used offensively. They can be used on another player to help them, only with their explicit OOC approval. In addition, drugs cannot be delivered by capsule rounds, injection darts, gas grenades or be used with DMSO.


Edge used on a run, fully recovers at the end of the run. Edge used between runs does not recover until you finish your next run. During a run, you regain edge at a rate of 1 per in game day.

Elemental Damage

(SR5 170)

  • Acid: Reduces armor by 1, each time acid is applied. The armor reduction happens before damage resistance tests and persists regardless of whether or not the damage was resisted entirely.

  • Cold: Apply half the -AP (rounded up) from the attack before making the armor test. Non called shots can target only the base body armor. While specific called shots to certain body parts can target only armor or armor accessories worn on that area, such as called shot to arm can target a carried shield. Spells and certain weapons (or weapon modes) cannot make called shots and thus cannot target armor accessories. Additionally, each time cold damage is taken, it reduces movement speed by a number of meters equal to twice the damage taken directly to your condition monitor.

  • Fire: If you catch fire, the damage from the ongoing fire is resisted with only Body.

  • Radiation: Ignores half of total armor instead of all armor. Radiation based attacks will not have any -AP beyond ignoring half total armor. [NPC only]

Full Defense

  • Cannot be combined with parry/block/dodge or its pre-emptive variant.

  • Full matrix defense only applies against Attack actions.

Group Initiation or Submersion

Group initiations or submersions can be done in two ways.

  • Group Contact: Add the connection of the group’s contact (usually 1) to your initiation/submersion roll as a dice pool bonus, applying the 10% karma discount on a success. Initiating or Submerging this way must use the usual dice roll method and cannot be used via an ordeal or private run. Undergoing a group initiation this way cannot increase karma discount beyond 10%.

  • Player Groups:

  1. Three or more awakened player characters belonging to the same tradition can form an initiation group (SG 129) (traditionalists and non-traditionalists can be in the same group). They must follow at least 3 strictures. All members must initiate at the same time via dice rolls or a private run. Undergoing a group initiation this way can apply the 10% ordeal discount on top of the 10% discount for group initiation.

  2. Three or more technomancer player characters can form a tribe (submersion group) (KC 106). They must follow at least 3 strictures. Additionally, all members of the tribe must follow the same Paragon (but they can be of different streams). All members must submerge at the same time via dice rolls or a private run. Undergoing a group submersion this way can apply the 10% discount from the run on top of the 10% discount for group submersion.

Hardened Armor

(SR5 397)

-AP will deplete hardened armor before depleting non hardened armor.

Healing Between Runs

Each character, at the end of each run and at the end of each real time day, completely heals both their Condition Monitors.

Infection and Edge

You may burn an edge to avoid being infected by any type of HMHVV, in case you fail your disease resistance tests. In case of HMHVV 1, burning edge this way also counts as a “Not Dead Yet” and thus your character survives with no essence lost.

Initiative Stacking

Overriding RAW, this set of house rules define what can or cannot stack for purposes of initiative. This ruling applies to things that improve both initiative or initiative dice directly, but not anything that improves initiative indirectly (such as improvements to Rea or Int).

  • Does not stack with any other improvements to initiative: Increase Reflexes and Predictive Analytics.

  • Stack with drugs that improve initiative but not with any other improvements to initiative: Adrenaline Boost, Improved Reflexes, Move by Wire, Wired Reflexes, Synaptic Acceleration and Boosted Reflexes.

  • Stacks with Accelerator (drug): Any ware (cyber, bio, gene) that improves initiative, including Synaptic Booster.

Interrupt Actions

You cannot use them unless you have enough initiative left.

Jumping and Running

  • You can jump as part of your basic movement. To do this you have to take the Running/Charge action (Free action). Jumping this way is broken down into Long Jumps (horizontal) and High Jumps (vertical).

  1. Long Jump: As long as you are considered Running, you can jump up to a maximum distance equal to your Strength/2 (rounded up) meters.

  2. High Jump: The maximum height you can jump vertically is equal to your Strength/4 (rounded up) meters.

Every meter you jump this way (Long or High) uses up a meter of your movement speed.

  • On top of your basic jumping included as part of your movement you can spend a Complex action and roll Agi + Gymnastics to Jump even further, using the Jumping rules (SR5 134). This doesn’t use up your movement. For a vertical jump made this way, the maximum distance you can jump is equal to your Strength x 1.5 (not 1.5 x height).

  • Once you start Running, you are considered running till the beginning of your next pass (not turn) and are affected by the running bonuses and penalties. It still needs a free action each pass to run.

  • In order to gain the bonuses from running/charging, you must spend at least 5 meters of movement each pass (even if you don’t move).

Knowledge Skills

  • If you have multiple knowledge skills that are applicable for a dice roll (GM discretion), you may use one knowledge skill to teamwork the other.

  • For language skills, the skill ranks of any social skill is limited by the ranks in the applicable language skill.

  • Specializations for knowledge skills cost 3 karma instead of 7.


Every player character must pay the full price of their lifestyle even if they are living with someone else.

Martial Arts

  • Work in the astral. Substitute physical attributes for some martial art techniques with their corresponding mental attribute as per the astral combat table.

  • Clinch: Does not count as an attack and thus can be combined with throw in the same combat pass. (RG 119)

  • Defiant Dance: Is also available to Capoeira (RG 137)

  • Grasping Vines: Is available to the Cowboy way and Whip fighting. (RG 137)

  • Half Sword: The technique improves the AP of the weapon by -2 at the cost of 1 less reach for the attack. If the character fails, there is no penalty to their next action and they can use the parry or pre-emptive parry defensive action. Readying the weapon to enter the stance is a non-action (instead of a Simple). (RG 121)

  • Iaijutsu: After a successful quick draw via Iaijutsu, you may attack using the same simple action as per (SR5 165). Resheathing the melee weapon is a complex action. (RG 122)

  • Kick Attack: Or Flying Kick (RG 137) only works when you are actually kicking. This can work with unarmed kicks or while using unarmed weapons that can be worn or implanted in legs such as combat boots, spurs, foot anchors, etc. (RG 138)

  • Neijia: Does not cause drain for the attacker. Additionally Neijia can be used on any spirits as long as the spirit and the attacker are on the same plane. This includes being able to use this technique against possession (or channeled) and inhabitation spirits as well as spirits on the astral if the attacker is dual natured or on the astral. (RG 140)

  • Two weapon style attack / defense: In addition to Blades and Clubs, the martial arts (RG 141) can be performed using dual cyber/bio implanted melee weapons like Spurs, Hand blades, Hand razors, Bone spikes and Claws, including the Claws quality (RF 113). This applies as long as the reach of the weapon is no more than 1.

Melee Weapon Limit

You can choose to use your Physical limit instead of the accuracy of your melee weapon (or any weapon used in melee combat), as the limit for your melee weapon attacks. You can choose to use your Astral limit for astral combat with a weapon focus. Gear that increases melee weapon limit such as personalized grip and cyberlimb optimization may be added to Physical or Astral limit for purposes of calculating melee weapon limit. Improvised melee weapons have a limit of (Physical Limit - 4), if they decide to use Physical limit.


  • Dwarves and Trolls do not suffer increased lifestyle costs.

  • Dryads are all born female. But you may use a combination of surgery, styling, drugs or hormones to transition into a different gender. This doesn’t cost essence, karma or nuyen. It's pure fluff.

Multiple Simultaneous Blasts

(SR5 183)

  • Just for clarification; the 1st blast will do full damage, the second will do half damage of 1st blast, the 3rd blast will do half damage of 2nd blast (25% of the 1st blast) and so on. In case of a decimal value, always round down.

  • Semi auto or Burst fire grenade launchers and rocket launchers don’t impose standard defense penalties. Instead they use, Multiple Simultaneous Blasts rule.

Multiple Attacks

  • You may only make one attack per pass, unless splitting dice to attack multiple targets.

  • You may not split dice to attack the same target more than once (except while using non-explosive thrown weapons).

  • Detonating an explosive or a grenade counts as an attack action.

  • Touch attacks made as part of touch spells, together count as an attack.

  • Exceptions to this rule include contact preps on arrow or non-explosive thrown weapons.

Object Resistance

  • For commlinks, RCCs, cyberdecks and cyberware, it's 15.

  • For drones and vehicles, their object resistance is equal to 15 + their Bod when resisting artificing and 15 for all other purposes.

One-handed and Two-handed Weapons

  • Any melee weapon of a reach 2 or higher is considered two-handed. The exceptions are:

  1. Whips of any type, which are one-handed even though it has a reach of 2.

  2. The Krime Whammy (SL 40), which is two handed for non-trolls despite being a reach 1 weapon.

  3. Battering Rams (RG 103) which are all at least 2 handed if not requiring multiple people.

Disregard anything else RAW says; this applies universally unless stated otherwise in this doc.

  • The Katana (SR5 422) can be used one-handed but unless you are a Troll, it inflicts a -1DV penalty.

  • Two-handed weapons whose reach has been reduced via Called Shot: Break Weapon (RG 111) still count as two-handed and don’t qualify for Two-Weapon Style Attack/Defense (RG 141).

  • Tasers, pistols, revolvers, machine pistols, SMGs and other exotic firearms that resemble these in the form of shape and firing range, are considered one-handed. All other firearms are two-handed.

  • A two-handed weapon must be used two handed unless specified.

  • Trolls can use any two-handed melee weapon (except Battering Rams) as one-handed (provided they meet the strength requirement, if any). Trolls can also use shotguns and assault rifles, one-handed.

  • Shields require a free hand to use as a weapon and/or gain its armor benefits.

  • Cyberimplanted weapons are always one-handed, even if two-handed otherwise.

Paralysis and Incapacitation

A character who is paralyzed or incapacitated/restrained (including having an attribute reduced to 0) cannot cast spells or make defense tests.


  • While in VR you may use INT instead of REA to pilot a vehicle or drone. You also get +2 to Handling (SR5 201) but no other bonuses to limits just for being in VR.

  • While in VR (but not jumped in) you must make vehicle or drone defense tests using REA + INT.

Player Economy

These rules apply irrespective of whether two player characters belong to the same or different players.

  • Gear, Nuyen and Karma are not tradeable between two player characters. Small amounts of consumables may be traded between player characters while on a run (at GM discretion).

  • Gear can be temporarily loaned to another player for the duration of a run. At the end of the run, the owner gets their loaned gear back (provided it's not a consumable that has been consumed).

  • A player character cannot roll for availability or otherwise obtain gear for another player character (on or off run). Gear must be obtained by the character trying to get it, either by themself or via a contact they possess.

  • Outside of a run, a player character cannot help or teamwork another player character for something that falls under the domain of a Service Contact.

  • Unused GMP is freely tradable between different players.

  • At GM discretion, a player may sacrifice part of their run RVP (minimum 1) gained as nuyen and transfer it to another player character (as nuyen). This allows the gaining party to exceed the maximum RVP cap for the run. This should be no more than 2 RVP (8000¥). This must be done immediately after the run and noted in the GM AAR.

Protecting the Principle

(RG 125)

Can be done as many times as you have initiative and edge, or just initiative if using the bodyguard BTL, in a combat turn.

Purity Bonus

Awakened and emerged characters gain different bonuses as long as they don’t have ware (cyberware, bioware or gene mods). If they gain any ware (except cosmetic modifications), they will retroactively lose all bonuses. Technomancers who have a datajack, as part of the “Otaku to Technomancer” quality, do not lose the purity bonus for just having the datajack. However, Prototype Transhuman cannot have the purity bonus. The bonus for awakened depends on the type of awakened.

  • Adept:

  1. A pure adept gains an extra 0.5 power point for every point of Magic or Metamagic (Power Point) that they have.

  2. The force of bonded qi foci counts as 1/4th the actual force for the purpose of total force of foci that can be bound. This does not change the actual force of the focus, its cost, availability or bonding karma cost.

  • Magician or Aspected magician: The force of any bonded focus counts as one higher. This does not change the actual force of the focus or bonding karma cost. This increase in force doesn't count towards the maximum force of a focus that can be bound. This bonus applies to Focused awakened or Expanded aspects as well.

  • Mystic adept: May choose either the adept (only applies to power points bought at character creation and power point metamagic) or magician bonus, but not both.

  • Technomancer: For every two submersions, they gain an extra echo for free. Additionally, they gain bonus benefits based on their Stream.

  1. Cyberadept: Cyberware (not bioware or geneware) does not count against the purity bonus.

  2. Machinist: Gains 3 slots for autosofts or rigging programs that can be run on their Living Persona and Shared. These programs must be purchased with nuyen and can be freely swapped in and out between the slots. These are in addition to the usual number of autosofts that their Living Persona can normally run. Basically the machinist’s sharing also becomes Cha + 3.

  3. Sourcerer: Can attune a cyberdeck for no karma cost. It takes one hour per rating of the deck to attune or unattune it. The cyberdeck when attuned by the Sourcerer and wireless on (or in contact via Skinlink), provides a dice pool bonus equal to its Device Rating. The dice pool bonus acts as teamwork for the Software skill for threading complex forms as well as bonus for resisting fade from complex forms. Additionally, your matrix condition monitor (Stun track but only for matrix damage) is increased by a number of boxes equal to the device rating of the deck. These boxes are filled before your actual stun track takes any damage. The Sourcerer can only attune to one cyberdeck at a time.

  4. Technoshaman: Choose any one type of sprite that isn’t a Great Form Sprite (KC 91). Your chosen sprite adds 1 die when resisting Compiling tests made by you. However, if you succeed in the test, the sprite summoned is always at 1 Level higher than chosen. For all purposes, you are considered to have summoned the sprite at the declared Level. It simply shows up at 1 Level higher than expected. Additionally, when Registering a sprite of your chosen type, the maximum Level of the sprite you can register is equal to your ranks in the Registering skill + 1.

(Inspired by ALitD LC)

Quick Draw

  • Hostering or setting a weapon to a “low ready” position requires a complex action.

  • You may buy hits on quick draw tests.


(R5 177)

  • A ramming vehicle and its passengers take no damage from ramming, when ramming anything whose body/structure is lower than that of the ramming vehicle. The vehicle (but not its passengers) may still take damage from other sources like energy aura.

  • Damage from ramming being resisted by a vehicle’s passengers gains the armor and any applicable armor mods of the vehicle.

  • A ramming vehicle is not usually subject to crashes unless it glitches or critically glitches its attack roll; or it takes too much damage in the process. A rammed vehicle may be subject to a crash if the GM deems so.

  • A ramming attack cannot be countered using a counter strike or riposte.


  • Works in the astral.

  • There is no maximum cap for reach.

  • Each point of reach grants the weapon approximately 0.5 meters of length. This can be problematic when using a high reach weapon in confined spaces.

Repair Rules

Any damage (matrix or physical) taken by a device, drone or vehicle during a run is completely repaired at the end of the run.

Resistance Tests

Damage resistance, Drain resistance, Fade resistance, Toxin resistance or any other similar test where you must resist incoming damage is never penalized by sustaining penalties, background counts or wound modifiers.


  • While jumped in, you may use INT instead of REA to pilot a vehicle or drone. You may also use INT instead of REA to make vehicle and drone defense tests while jumped in.

  • Since being jumped in is also being in VR, you gain a +2 to Handling (SR5 201). This is in addition to the bonus from Control Rig (SR5 452).

  • While jumped in a vehicle or drone, you don't need to take the Control Vehicle action (SR5 203).

  • While using a remote system in AR, VR or jumped in, if a weapon is mounted on a weapon mount You can also use Log instead of Agi with gunnery or relevant melee skill.

  • While jumped in and using mounted weapons, you use your Gunnery skill for ranged weapons and your applicable melee skill for any melee weapon.

  • If a weapon is not mounted and is instead carried by a drone with drone arms (eg: anthro drones). While jumped in the rigger uses the Agility of the cyberlimb (or average of two cyberlimbs for two-handed weapons) + relevant weapon skills such as Automatics, Blades, Longarms, etc (Not Gunnery). While the drone is working autonomously it uses its arm’s Agility + relevant autosoft.

  • Technical skills don’t benefit from bonuses granted by Control rig or MMRI.

Rockets and Missiles

(SR5 435)

Direct Fire:

  • Rockets and Missiles are capable of direct fire against a single target. Make an Attack [Limit] vs Defense roll. The attacker must get at least a tie to succeed while any net hits on the attack test add to the DV of the attack. The target cannot use “Run for Your Life” interrupt unless the attack misses. On a hit, the target must resist the base DV + any net hits as incoming damage. Additionally, anything else in the radius of the blast must resist the base DV of the rocket, however they may use “Run for Your Life”. If the defender gets at least 1 net hit, the attack misses and the rocket flies past the defender. Treat as if rolled a 7 on the Scatter Diagram, then roll on the Scatter Table taking Hits as 0 (SR5 182).

  • Fragmentation and High Explosive rockets on a successful direct impact always deal Physical damage to the primary target, if the target is a living creature not wearing hardened armor. Regular armor cannot downgrade the damage to Stun in any way.

  • Anti-vehicle rockets on a successful direct impact always deal Physical damage to the primary target (vehicles or otherwise), if the target is not wearing hardened armor. Regular or vehicle armor cannot downgrade the damage to Stun in any way. If the target is wearing hardened armor, the armor gets treated as regular armor for the attack but can convert damage to stun.

Run For Your Life

Cannot be used if you cannot see the AoE blast, such as in the case of an AoE direct spell like Manaball. (RG 125)

Skill Specializations

You can choose certain adept powers as a valid specialization for certain skills. To specialize in an adept power, the power has to define a new use case for the skill. It must call for a skill test (not passively enhance a skill test) for a specific effect that is offered by the power, Eg: Nerve strike, Commanding voice, etc.

Stacking Bonuses

  • Bonuses from the same source don’t stack. Eg: You cannot have two Rating 1 muscle toners and get +2 Agi.

  • Attribute bonuses from temporary effects such as Drugs, BTLs or Spells stack with that of permanent augmentations like ware and adept powers.

  • Temporary bonuses (even from different sources) that give the same bonus don’t stack with each other. Eg: Drugs and BTLs that give the same bonuses don’t stack.

  • Permanent bonuses from drugs via Chemical gland (Gradual release) or BTLs don’t count as augmentations and still count as temporary effects.

Stacking Penalties

Dissimilar sources applying penalties to the same thing (eg: same attribute) will stack. There are exceptions to this, such as Nerve Strike (SG 173) and Narcoject Trackstopper (SL 44) which applies cumulative penalties with each consecutive attack.

Street Cred

  • Karma gained from GMP, WFTP or knowledge karma does not apply towards street cred or career karma.

  • Street cred only gives bonus to social limit not dice.


  • Damage inflicted from subduing ignores armor. Damage resistance tests are made using Body + Willpower. (SR5 195)

  • Garrotes count as subdual and thus inflicts only base weapon damage. (RG 20)

Surprise Test

Is now a two part test.

  • When ambushing, first make an opposed test between Agility + Sneaking [Physical] by ambushers vs Intuition + Perception [Mental] by defenders. If the ambushers win, increase the base surprise threshold (3) by +1 for every net hit the ambushers get.

  • If the defenders win, decrease the base surprise threshold by -1 per net hit. If the threshold is reduced to 0, the defenders automatically succeed on their surprise test.

  • On a tie the defenders make an immediate surprise test with the base threshold.

  • Defenders roll for surprise. Roll Reaction + Intuition with a threshold equal to 3 + net hits scored by the ambushers or a threshold of 3 - net hits scored by the defenders, depending on who won the Sneaking vs Perception test.

Teamwork Tests

(SR5 49)

  • Any skill test except leadership can be teamworked if everyone teamworking has at least one rank in the skill.

  • For summoning or binding, all team members must be able to summon the type of spirit. Any team member of a different tradition compared to the leader suffers a -2 dice pool penalty. The spirit is bound to the leader.

  • Melee teamwork will follow the rules of regular teamwork and not the rules listed in (SR5 188).

Thrown Weapon Limit

All non-improvised thrown weapons use your Physical Limit as its limit on attack tests. Improvised thrown weapons have a limit of your (Physical Limit - 3).


Do not overflow from Stun to Physical track, unless the target is immune to unconsciousness from a full stun track (pain editor, numb, etc).

Upgrading Gear

Any piece of gear with a rating and/or grade (eg: cyberware grades) can be upgraded by rolling for the new availability and simply paying the difference in price. Examples of gear that can be upgraded include: Augmentations (Cyberware, Bioware, etc), Cyberdecks, RCC, Commlinks, Foci, Programs with ratings (Agents, Autosofts), etc.

Vehicle Called Shots

(RG 115)

In order to trigger the effect of the vehicle called shot, the vehicle must suffer an amount of physical damage equal to (11 - the dice pool modifier of the called shot), after damage resistance test. This breaks down to:

  • Engine Block/Fuel Tank/Battery: Modifier -4 (Minimum DV 7).

  • Axle: Modifier -6 (Minimum DV 5).

  • Antenna/Door Lock/Window Motor: Modifier -8 (Minimum DV 3).

Working for the People/Man

Once per run, at the end of the run, you may WFTP/M and convert nuyen to karma and vice versa at the exchange rate of 4000¥ = 1 karma upto 20,000¥ or 5 karma.

Last updated