
Adept Powers

  • Berserk and Berserker’s Rage (SG 169)

  1. Berserker's rage reduces mental attributes by -2 (not +2).

  2. The powers themselves don't reduce mental attributes to 0, only 1 at minimum. Hence you can use Berserker’s Rage with 2 in mental attributes and you will still drop at 1 not 0. Note, that penalties from other sources can reduce your mental attributes to 0.

  3. Berserk power need not be active to activate Berserker's Rage. But you must possess the Berserk power as a prerequisite for getting the Berserker's Rage power.

  • Body Sculpt: Body Sculpt (BLB 160) allows you to make one change, plus additional changes equal to the number of hits on a Body + Magic test. The initial change takes 1 hour, plus an additional 10 minutes for each extra change based on your Body + Magic test. It takes 1 minute to undo all changes.

  • Elemental Body: Prerequisite is either Elemental Strike or Elemental Weapon. (SG 170)

  • Elemental Strike: The power (SG 170) stacks with Penetrating Strike (SG 173).

  • Kiai: Requires a Simple Action to activate. (HT 190)

  • Killing Hands (SR5 310)

  1. A dual-natured adept with Killing Hands can use this power against astral targets that are within their reach. Use the adept's normal Unarmed Combat skill and Damage Value for this attack.

  2. Elemental effects associated with Killing Hands don’t work in the astral.

  • Light Body: In addition to RAW, add the power’s level to your Strength before calculating the maximum distance you can jump (both as part of base movement as well as vertical jumping while using Gymnastics). (SR5 310)

  • Nerve Strike (SG 173)

  1. Can only be performed using Unarmed Combat. You may not use any weapons that use Unarmed Combat.

  2. Cannot be performed with a touch attack. But can be performed with Martial Arts such as Kick Attack (RG 138) or Flying Kick (RG 121).

  • Nimble Fingers: Turns reloading cylinders (with or without Speed Loader) from a Complex into a Simple action. (SG 173)

  • State of Purity: Instead of RAW, the drain for the power is equal to [(Magic + Number of combat turns active) x 0.5], rounded down. (BTB 160)

Ally Spirits

(SG 200)

  • The force of an ally spirit cannot exceed its summoner’s magic. This restriction exists in addition to the force of an ally spirit being limited by the ranks of the summoner’s Summoning and Binding skills.

  • Conjuring an ally spirit no longer requires a Ritual Spellcasting roll and thus can be performed by aspected summoners. You must still learn the ally conjuration ritual itself.

  • Enhancing an ally (SG 202) spirit still costs 8 karma per point of force beyond the spirit’s initial force, as long as the force being upgraded to, does not exceed F6. If exceeding F6, use the rules as in (SG 202).

Ancestor Shamans

(FA 73)

Can channel spirits at initiate grade 5 (instead of 2), without taking the metamagic.

Area Spells

  • Indirect area spells require you to have 3 hits to land the spell or else the spell scatters (SR5 182) like a grenade. Any hits you get beyond 3 are added to the DV of the spell up to its limit. Direct area spells automatically land, and all hits (up to limit) are applied as DV of the spell.

  • There is no defense test against area spells. You can “Run For Your Life” (RG 125) from the area of effect, but only if you can see the spell. This makes it difficult to run from direct area spells unless you are astrally perceiving. You cannot “Dive On The Grenade” for an area spell that's not an [Element] Grenade (SSP 17).

  • Area spells don’t benefit from Chunky Salsa (SR5 183), except the [Element] Grenade spell.


  • Step 1-4: Follow the rules as stated in (SR5 306-307).

  • Step 5: Instead of net hits, the force of the focus formula (limited by your magic rating) becomes the actual force of the focus, provided you get at least 1 net hit. Additional net hits can be used to increase the number of 1s on your roll needed to glitch or critical glitch, by 1 per net hit you dedicate towards that.

  • Step 6: Net hits beyond your first (on Step 5) can also be used to reduce the final drain that needs to be resisted, at the rate of -1 drain per net hit, down to a minimum final drain of 2. Net hits from step 5 can be divided between countering glitches or reducing drain.

  • You can take teamwork for artificing from relevant focus (like power focus) as well as the Aid Alchemy service of bound spirits (SR5 302), up to your ranks in the Artificing skill.

  • You cannot artifice a focus higher than your unaugmented magic rating, even if the focus formula is higher than your magic. This also means that drain from artificing is always stun.

  • Any focus crafted a player character, is usable by that player character only.

  • You can burn a point of edge to reduce a critical glitch at Step 5 to a glitch.

Aspected Magicians

The listed aspects and expanded aspects gain these added benefits.

  • Apprentice (FA 47): Gain three spells from their chosen category and the mentor spirit quality for free. In addition, any benefits they gain from their mentor spirit is doubled.

Note: The only magical skills available to Apprentice are Spellcasting and Summoning. They don’t have access to Ritual Spellcasting, Counterspelling, Binding or Banishing.

  • Aspected Conjurer: Gain the Dedicated Conjurer quality (FA 36) for free.

  • Aspected Enchanter and Enchanter (FA 47): Gain the Durable Preparations quality (FA 36) for free. If they already get that quality for free via some other source, they instead gain the Practiced Alchemist quality (FA 39) for free.

  • Aspected Sorcerer: Gain the Dedicated Spellslinger quality (FA 36) for free.

  • Aware (FA 49): Gain the Astral Bouncer quality (FA 32) for free.

  • Explorer (FA 47): Gain one rank of the Spirit Hunter quality (FA 40) for free.


  • Augmentations paid for with Essence is considered part of your astral form and this will continue to work in the astral where applicable (eg: augmenting mental attributes).

  • Drugs that augment mental attributes continue the effect in the astral.

  • Drugs and Ware that grant direct initiative boosts will not provide that benefit in the astral.

  • Lightning Reflexes quality (SG 148) will provide its benefits to initiative in the astral (as well as the matrix).

  • If the Increased [Attribute spell (SR5 288) is sustained (or active alchemical preparation) while astrally projecting, any mental attributes augmented by the spell remain so on the astral form.

Astral Combat

  • To make an astral attack, you must be within melee reach.

  • When two Dual Natured creatures engage in combat, they can choose to attack each other, via meatspace melee or via astral combat (but not both).

  • A dual natured creature being targeted via astral combat, by another dual natured creature, must use Int + Rea or Log (whichever is lower) to defend against the astral attack.

  • A dual natured creature being targeted via astral combat, by a wholly astral entity, must use Int + Log to defend against the astral attack.

  • Astral full defense is Log + Int + Wil. If you have the Too Pretty to Hit quality (RG 127), you may substitute Cha for Wil. Agile Defender doesn’t allow you to substitute Log for Agi in astral full defense.

  • Damage from Astral Combat is resisted by Wil + Astral armor.

Astral Sneaking

Sneaking on the astral is done using a Log + Sneaking [Astral] vs Int + Assensing [Astral] test.


(SR5 301)

  • Only inflicts drain if you fail to get any net hits or tie on your Banishing + Magic [Astral] Test. The drain is equal to 2S per net hit the spell or ritual gets against you.

  • On a success, you can choose to inflict 1S per net hit scored against the spirit (in addition to removing services). The damage is unresisted and counts as magical.

Black Magic

(SG 41, FA 60)

  • Followers of this tradition cannot have a Code of Honor.

  • Cannot have any of the following mentor spirits: Dog, Dolphin, Dove, Dragonslayer, Fire-Bringer, Great Mother, Green Man, Guyanyin, Holy Text, Lion, Peacemaker, Sun, Whale or Wise Warrior.

Disclaimer: Black mages are utterly selfish, hedonistic, often malicious and assholes of the highest order. So expect many people to not like you.


(SR5 295)


  • Requires a Simple action to perform. You can also use an Interrupt action (-5 initiative) to attempt to Dispel a spell being cast.

  • When dispelling a ritual make a Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] Test vs Force of the ritual + Magic of the leader. Each additional participant in the ritual adds +2 dice to the opposing dice pool of the test.

  • Only inflicts drain if you fail to get any net hits or tie on your Counterspelling + Magic [Astral] Test. The drain is equal to 2S per net hit the spell or ritual gets against you.


(SR5 307)

Deactivate Focus:

  • Requires a Simple action to perform.

  • Only inflicts drain if you fail to get any net hits or tie on your Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] Test vs target’s Force + owner’s Magic. The drain is equal to 2S per net hit the target gets against you.


  • Normally inflicts no drain.

  • Failing to get any net hits on your Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] Test will immediately trigger the preparation, with you touching it.

  • If you Glitch, you succeed but you must resist Drain equal to twice the Hits (not net hits) the alchemical preparation gets against you, as Stun damage.

  • If you critically glitch, you suffer drain as per the above point and the preparation triggers immediately, with you touching it.

Critter Powers

  • Astral Gateway: The power has no effect on unwilling creatures or creatures unable to consent. (SG 194)

  • Concealment: The power does not stack with any other gear or ability that penalizes perception tests to spot them. A concealed character is spotted if they engage in any offensive or attack action, ending the effect. (SR5 395)

  • Endowment: The summoner may benefit from only a single endowed power at a time no matter the number of spirits endowing them with different powers. (SG 195)

  • Energy Aura: Damage from Energy aura does not apply to Engulf. Energy Aura simply changes the damage type of the Engulf to the element of the aura. (SR5 396)

  • Entropic Aura: Doesn’t decay or do damage to gear, ware, vehicles or drones. (HS 190)

  • Movement: The power adds Magic to Agility for purposes of movement speed only (is not limited by aug max). Does not stack with any other gear, cyberware or bioware that increases movement, such as skates, skimmers digigrade legs, etc. The power cannot be used to reduce movement speed of an unwilling target. Movement cannot be used on things that lack essence (positive or negative). (SR5 399)

  • Paralyzing Howl: Doesn’t stack, only the highest effect applies. (SR5 399)

  • Possession: If a spirit fails its possession test against an unprepared vessel, it suffers unresisted drain (stun) equal to the hits (not net hits) on the defense/object resistance test and cannot attempt to possess that vessel again for the next 24 hours. (SG 197)

  • Regeneration: Damage from fade or called shot (vitals) cannot be regenerated. Rejects geneware, cosmods as well as bioware from Prototype Transhuman. (SR5 400)

  • Shift: Rejects geneware and cosmods. (RF 123)

  • Spirit Aid: Such as Aid Sorcery and Aid Alchemy counts as teamwork. It simply adds the Force of the spirit to your dice pool but is limited by the ranks in that skill. (SR5 302)

Hapsum Do

(FA 101)

The martial art or any of its techniques cannot be learned via One Trick Pony.

Inanimate Vessel Preparation

(SG 214)

A human sized animatronic mannequin having an availability of 2, can be purchased for 2000¥. The mannequin will have a structure rating of 4, an armor of 0 and an object resistance of 9. It has the potential of all movement and articulation a human is capable of doing, but not by itself as it lacks any electronics. However, if it is possessed by a spirit, it may do so. The figure itself is immune to stun damage (even from that of electricity), but any spirit possessing it is not.

Initiation Ordeals

  • Diverging from RAW, initiation ordeals are private runs that a player can request to go on. Any of the various styles of ordeals (SG 140) can be incorporated into the run, but are limited only to the run.

  • Nine paths of enlightenment is banned.

Islamic Tradition

Islamic alchemists can skip the requirement for Quickening and Anchoring. (FA 69)

Hermetic Elementals

(FA 181)

In addition to gaining +1 service (when summoning and binding), Mages with Hermetic Elementals are also subject to the following rules:

  • The +1 service stacks with that of Shaman Tuxedo (CA 143).

  • When binding an elemental, it resists with Force dice (instead of Force x 2).

  • The number of bound elementals you can have increases by 1, ie: (Mag/2) +1 instead of Mag/2 (rounded down).

  • Hermetic Elementals are more akin to astral drones and thus immune to mind magic.

  • Mages with Hermetic Elementals cannot have a mentor spirit. If they had one before, they lose it.

  • The mage loses access to all non-elemental type spirits, including ones gained from qualities like Dedicated Conjurer (FA 36). Leaving the path of Hermetic Elementals, via a Paradigm shift, will give back the mage access to any lost spirits, along with accumulated Astral Reputation.

Mentor’s Mask

(FA 182)

  • Is allowed for any awakened of any tradition, as long as they have a mentor spirit. They appear as some form of intangible, spectral manifestation closely tied to the thematics of the mentor spirit.

  • Invisibility spells cannot conceal an active mentor’s mask. Benefits of Concealment or RPC cloaks don’t apply as long as the mentor's mask is active. Mentor’s Mask does not penalize sneaking tests or make it easier to perceive an awakened character with a mentor’s mask trying to sneak. But if spotted, their magical nature is easily discerned.

  • Mystic adepts may choose either the Magician bonus or Adept bonus.


  • Channeling (SG 148)

  1. Physical attributes increased by channeling a spirit is limited by the vessel’s augmented maximum (+4).

  2. While channeling, your mental attributes are not replaced by that of the spirit. Instead, if the spirit’s force is higher than any of your mental attributes, that mental attribute is augmented by half of the spirit’s force (rounded down), up to your augmented maximum.

  3. While channeling, your Edge attribute is not replaced by that of the spirit and the spirit’s edge cannot be used by you.

  4. A bound spirit cannot be channeled but a channeled spirit can be bound. If you stop channeling a spirit that you bound mid channeling, you can never re-channel the spirit again. The bound spirit can still possess you (provided you follow a possession tradition), but you gain no benefits from Channeling.

  • Cleansing (SG 155)

  1. The Background Count doesn’t act as an opposing dice pool. It instead acts as a threshold. Each hit (not net hit) on your Counterspelling + Magic + initiate grade [Astral] test reduces the threshold and thus the background count by 1. If the threshold is reduced to 0, the background count is completely cleansed.

  2. In addition to RAW, if you manage to reduce the background count of an area to 0, you can choose to sustain a “cleansed aura” around you. This causes any sustained spells and bonded foci or fetish on you to remain unaffected by the background count until you stop sustaining or the background count of the area increases. This applies the standard sustaining penalty of -2.

  • Fixation: Instead of RAW, Fixation (SR5 325) increases the duration of a sustained alchemical preparation to (Potency x 2) minutes. There is no karma cost. It also gets a dice pool bonus against Disjoining (SR5 307) equal to your Initiate Grade. Additionally the metamagic reduces the added drain from the preparation trigger by -1.

  • Great Form Possession: The magician makes two Magic + Summoning [Force] tests vs Force of the spirit. For each test, the drain is equal to twice the hits (not net hits) the spirit gets. (HT 134)

  • Harmonious Defense (FA 46)

  1. The adept or mystic adept requires astral perception as a prerequisite for this ability (as well as for Harmonious Reflection). While harmonious defense is active the adept or mystic adept’s astral perception remains active and thus they will become dual natured.

  2. The spell defense dice from harmonious defense does not stack with spell defense offered by counterspelling, foci or shielding metamagic. If you have both, you must choose one or the other to activate during your turn and once one option is chosen the other cannot be activated in the same turn.

  • Noble Sacrifice (FA 46)

  1. Cannot be used to take drain or fade on behalf of another.

  2. Damage suffered from Noble Sacrifice counts as magical damage.

  3. Cannot be used to summon a spirit higher than 3 + your ranks in the Summoning skill. Under no circumstance can you summon a spirit whose Force is higher than twice your Magic attribute.

  4. When using protection magic points to increase the force of a spirit, it must be done for a spirit that has not been summoned yet. The spirit gains bonus dice to resist with its increased force. If the force of the spirit is higher than the summoner’s Magic attribute, the resulting drain is physical damage.

  • Penetrating Spell: For reducing each point of base DV of a spell by 1 and increasing drain value by 1, the -AP of the spell improves by 3 (not 1). The maximum base DV of the spell that you can reduce is equal to your Initiate Grade or the Force of the spell (whichever is lower), down to a minimum base DV of 0. (SG 153)

  • Supernatural Prowess (SG 156)

  1. Can only be used for actions. Thus may not be used for soak, defense or initiative.

  2. The Magic + Initiate grade per day applies to the total amount of times Supernatural Prowess can be used per day for all attributes total (not per attribute).

  3. Supernatural Prowess: Body, does not change your physical condition monitor.


  • The maximum force of a minion that can be conjured is equal to your ranks in the Ritual Spellcasting skill.

  • The maximum number of minions that an awakened can have at a time, is equal to half their Magic attribute (rounded down), not Charisma. This rule doesn’t apply to Necro spirits, which follow the rules in (FA 52).

  • Instead of RAW, the duration that a minion will last is a number of runs equal to its (Force x Your net hits on the sealing test), with a minimum value equal to your Magic rating.

Mystic Adept

  • Can only gain Astral Perception via the Astral Perception adept power (SR5 309).

  • Instead of losing the Enchanting skill group. Mystic adepts get a choice of losing any one of Sorcery, Conjuring or Enchanting groups. Once this choice is made it cannot be undone.

  • Mystic adepts only qualify for adept metamagics by default. They must take the Magician’s Way before they can qualify for any metamagics or qualities that are meant for Magicians.

  • Mystic adepts have two magic ratings: Magic and Magic (Adept). The standard magic is treated the same way as a Magician's magic rating. The Magic (Adept) is treated the same way as an adept's Magic rating (ie: for every point of adept magic rating you gain 1 power point).

  • Adept powers as well as qualities and metamagics that are adept based (eg: Harmonious defense) will scale off the Magic (Adept) attribute. While qualities, metamagics and spells for magicians will scale off the Magic attribute.

  • Mystic adepts start with standard Magic at their chosen priority level and Magic (Adept) of 1. You can use special attribute points to raise either or both scores to a maximum of 6 at character creation.

  • When you initiate it increases the maximum magic ratings of both magic scores, but each magic score must be improved, with karma, individually. Raising Magic (Adept) after character creation will give you power points just like it would for an adept.

  • On the other hand, burning out will cause the loss of both Magic (and maximum Magic) attributes by 1 for each point of essence (even at minimal loss).

  • Background counts apply to both Magic attributes at the same magnitude.

  • Foci cap is determined by the higher of the two Magic attributes.

  • Power focus adds its rating to both Magic attributes for Magic based dice rolls.

  • Channeling replaces your Magic [not Magic (Adept)] with the Magic of the spirit.

  • Both Magic attributes need to be at X rating before you can get initiate grade X.

To enable these options in chummer go to Tools > Options > House Rules tab and make sure “Mystic Adepts use second MAG attribute for Adept abilities instead of special PP rules” is checked.


(SG 143)

Magicians with Necro Magic tradition can access Necromancy art with all its enchantments and rituals even though necro mages cannot summon spirits of man.

Necro Summoning

(FA 82)

  • Or Reckless Necro Conjuring can only be used by mages of Necro Magic tradition.

  • When summoning necro spirits as a ritual, the maximum force of a spirit that can be summoned is equal to your ranks in the Ritual Spellcasting skill (not Summoning, unless using Reckless Necro Conjuring).

  • Instead of RAW, the duration that a necro spirit will remain in its vessel is a number of runs equal to its (Force x Your net hits on the sealing test), with a minimum value equal to your unmodified Magic rating.

  • Each necro spirit can carry out a number of services equal to your unmodified Magic rating. Used services are restored on the next sunrise or sunset as long as the spirit is under your control.

  • When summoning a necro spirit while you have another necro spirit summoned, use your reduced magic rating to determine if you are over summoning (and thus suffer additional drain).

  • Once the spirit leaves the vessel or is disrupted. The vessel is destroyed and cannot be possessed again.

Null Wizard

(FA 43)

  • Cannot use the Summoning skill in addition to other restrictions.

  • Gains the Spell Resistance adept power (SR5 311) ranks equal to their Magic rating. As their Magic improves so does this adept power, automatically. This does not automatically qualify Null Wizards for any other adept features.

Numinous Perception

Cannot be used to detect sustained spells, only spells while the spellcasting roll is being made.

Paradigm Shift

(FA 43) Paradigm shift is no longer a metamagic. Instead an awakened character can change tradition, during downtime, by paying 10 + (Current initiate grade x 3) karma. This karma needs to be paid each time tradition is changed and becomes more expensive the more initiations one has. Any foci, fetishes or bound spirits will automatically change to the new tradition without any extra cost. However, any reagents and lodges will not and must be repurchased. A paradigm shift does not require an arcana roll or an initiation ordeal. Traditionalist and non-traditionalist versions of a tradition are considered different traditions for purposes of paradigm shift and thus require karma expenditure.

Path of Pariah

(FA 85)

  • Isn’t required to choose the Opposition metamagic as that does not exist. Instead they can choose any metamagic they qualify for.

  • Use Wil + their choice of Log, Int or Cha for drain resistance. Once this choice is made it cannot be changed unless they do a Paradigm Shift (FA 43).

Rebinding Spirits

A magician with a bound spirit can repeat the binding ritual in order to extract additional services from the spirit. Rebinding requires going through the standard Binding process (SR5 300) with the usual reagent costs on an existing bound spirit (must have at least 1 service left). Every net hit adds to the services owed. The first hit is not required to form the initial bond since the spirit is already bound. Drain is as per a standard binding test. Each Rebinding attempt increases the Spirit Index (SG 206) of the magician by 1.


Using reagents now requires a simple action to be readied per spell cast. Essentially it means to be able to use reagents and cast a spell in the same pass you have to cast the spell recklessly and cannot be used with multiple spells per pass.


  • Analyze Device: Doesn’t grant any bonus dice or ignore skill defaulting modifiers. (SR5 285)

  • Claw/Barrage (FA 50)

  1. Claw has a drain value of F-3 and Barrage has a drain value of F-1.

  2. Instead of gaining a base DV of +1 per Force of the spell, the spells gain +1DV every even Force value. However, the spells gain -2AP per Force (instead of -1).

  • Combat Sense: The spell (SR5 286) and adept power (SR5 309) of the same name does not stack. The Combat Sense spell also does not stack with the Deflection spell (SG 115).

  • Comet: Damage does not ignore fire resistance. (FA 50)

  • Evil Eye: Doesn’t do damage. (FA 50)

  • Flame Burst (SSP 16)

  1. The spell shall be an Indirect spell instead of Direct.

  2. The area of the spell is equal to a sphere of Force radius.

  3. The damage applied will always be the base damage only (Force physical damage; -Force AP). There is no attack roll.

  4. The attack automatically hits and there is no defense test against it. Damage is resisted by Body + Armor (including fire resistance) + any spell/magic resistance. You may “Run For Your Life” from the pulse of flame.

  5. The pulse of flame occurs at the start of the mage’s first pass every turn and does not impede them from making an attack that pass.

  6. The threshold to see if the spell sets an object on fire is equal to Hits on the spellcasting test.

  • Growth (FA 49)

  1. The maximum bonuses to your attributes is limited by your augmented maximum.

  2. The Force of the spell must equal or exceed the highest (augmented) value of the target’s Body, Agility, Reflex, and Strength.

  3. Has a range of Touch (T) and not LOS.

  4. The caster may choose not to physically grow as part of the effect. If the caster chooses to grow, their carried equipment grows with them. This does not grant any mechanical advantages but may pose mechanical hindrances, such as in confined spaces, depending on the GM.

  • Manablade (HT 192)

  1. Force does not act as base DV. In fact, the blade has no base DV. The damage is purely the net hits you get on your attack roll.

  2. Martial arts cannot be used with the weapon.

  3. Abilities, Magic, Powers or Qualities that increase the DV of an attack (eg: Critical Strike, Auras, Elemental body, etc) do not apply to Manablade.

  • Powerblade (HT 192)

  1. Is resisted by Body + Armor.

  2. Has an -AP equal to 1/3 the force of the spell (rounded down).

  3. Can be used with martial arts.

  • Mind Magic: Force of any mind magic spell does not apply as a negative modifier to resistance tests.

Disclaimer: Mind magic is considered disgusting and vile in most societies and by many in the shadow community. It's also illegal in many countries including UCAS, CAS and CFS. But is technically legal in the NAN (as long as you don’t abuse it).

Spirit Pacts

(SG 137) Spirit Pacts can be obtained only as a run reward and requires explicit approval from the GM department. It costs 5 RVP to bestow a spirit pact. A character may only benefit from a single spirit pact at a time. Before you can enter a new spirit pact, the older one must be broken by paying 10 karma. Spirit pacts can only be done with free spirits. Unless stated otherwise anyone can enter a spirit pact, not just awakened. To invoke a spirit pact that has a karma cost, you must have unused karma available for your character. You cannot liquify GMP to give yourself karma during a run, unless the GM approves.

  • Drain Pact: Banned.

  • Dream Pact: The character gains +1 downtime slot, cumulative with all other downtime slots. You must pay 5 karma each time you pay for lifestyle.

  • Formula Pact: A single hit on an assensing test reveals the spirit's aura. Extended Masking (SG 149) can be used to mask this aura. There is no karma cost to invoke this pact.

  • Life Pact: Can be invoked even if you are unconscious. Cannot be used to heal drain or fade.

  • Magic Pact: Once per day, by spending a point of edge and 2 karma, you can augment your Magic attribute by +4 for 1 combat turn. This ability cannot be used during downtime. This pact can only be taken on a character with a magic attribute. If involved by adepts, they also get +1 rating to all their adept powers (which have a rating) for 1 combat turn. This cannot take an adept power beyond its maximum rating (if it has one), such as Improved Reflexes 3.

  • Power Pact: Banned.

Summoning and Binding

  • The max force of a spirit that can be summoned is limited to the Summoning skill rating of the awakened. Qualities that can increase this cap such as Spirit Whisperer will still work as usual.

  • The max force of a spirit that can be bound is limited to the Binding skill rating of the awakened.

  • The max number of bound spirits that an awakened may have at a time is equal to half their Magic attribute (rounded down), not Charisma.

  • When trying to summon a spirit who’s force is higher than your magic (over summoning), you suffer additional drain equal to X, where X = force of spirit/2 (rounded down). This drain is in addition to the drain you normally suffer (as per RAW). The drain is physical and can be resisted as usual.

Touch Attack Spells

  • Make a touch attack (+2 bonus) and if you at least tie on hits, you can cast the spell. The spell doesn’t activate if your touch attack doesn’t connect, hence no need to roll for drain in that situation. Both actions use a single complex action. Since touch spells need a touch attack, they cannot be cast recklessly or using reagents.

  • For Barehanded Adept (FA 33), you must make two different Unarmed Combat rolls. One for attack (using Agi) and one for spellcasting (using Mag).

Last updated