
Compiling and Registering

  • The max level of a sprite that can be compiled is limited to the Compiling skill rating of the technomancer.

  • The max level of a sprite that can be registered is limited to the Registering skill rating of the technomancer. This is increased by 1 for the relevant sprite if possessing the Technoshaman purity bonus.

  • The max number of registered sprites that a technomancer may have at a time is equal to half their Resonance attribute (rounded down).

  • When trying to compile a sprite who’s level is higher than your resonance, you suffer additional fade equal to Y, where Y = level of sprite/2 (rounded down). This fade is in addition to the fade you normally suffer (as per RAW). The additional fade is physical and can be resisted as usual.

Complex Forms

  • Host Emulator: The following changes have been made to RAW. (KC 94)

  1. The rating of the host that can be emulated is equal to the hits (not 2x the hits) on your threading test, up to a maximum of Rating 12. Its dice pools are the same as any normal host of its rating.

  2. You may only emulate one host at a time. If you emulate another while an emulated host exists. The previous one ceases to exist.

  3. All personas within the emulated host are treated as if on the grid where the host was formed, but unless they successfully make the matrix perception check their systems will tell them they are on a host.

  4. Being inside an emulated host doesn't eliminate/reduce noise.

  5. Any matrix damage inflicted by the host is imaginary and does not inflict real damage. This will not stop a device from functioning or cause dump shock. As soon as they exit the host, all damage is immediately healed.

  6. The technomancer can have the host run silent. Anyone outside of the host attempting to find it must succeed on a Matrix Search test with a threshold equal to the number of net hits of the complex form.

  7. Anyone who has a number of marks on the host, has an equal number of marks on the Technomancer who threaded it. If the host has marks on you, the technomancer has an equal number of marks on you.

  • Mirrored Persona: Has a duration of Sustained not Immediate. (KC 95)


  • Mind Over Machine: Instead of doing the same thing as MMRI, Mind Over Machine will now act as Control Rig Booster (CF 147) of a rating equal to the number of times this echo was taken (max 3). (SR5 258)

  • Sleepwaker: Allows technomancers in VR to use perception in meatspace at no penalty. (DT 59)

Kill Code Matrix Actions

(KC 37-40)

  • Calibration: Is a Complex action.

  • Denial of Service: Is done using Cybercombat + Logic [Attack].

  • Haywire: Haywire cannot interrupt the connection of a rigger, wirelessly jumped in.

  • Intervene: Does not stack with I am the Firewall.

  • Watchdog: The action cannot be used to get more than 1 mark on the same target.


  • Biofeedback and Blackout don’t stack.

  • Agents can only run on a deck unless the device comes with an agent as part of it.

Set Data Bomb

(SR5 242)

Databombs cannot be planted on programs currently running on a device.

Sprite Powers

  • Mangler: Does not deal physical damage to devices. (KC 92)

  • Overdrive: Cannot take a piece of gear beyond the max possible rating. This power can be sustained for a maximum number of turns equal to the level of the sprite, after which the device takes unresisted matrix damage equal to the matrix condition monitor of the device. The power cannot be used on a living persona or a device that is not slaved to the technomancer’s living persona. (KC 93)

  • Sacrifice: Heals a number of matrix condition monitor boxes equal to the level of the sprite. Bonuses to matrix attributes last for 1 turn only. (KC 93)

  • Shield: Comes into effect after resistance test thus damage unresisted. (KC 100)


  • Sprite pets cannot be great form. The level of a spirit pet cannot exceed the technomancer’s resonance. This restriction exists in addition to the level of the sprite pet being limited by the ranks of the technomancer’s Compiling and Registering skills. (KC 91)

  • The benefits of the Cyberadept daemon are retroactive. (KC 90)

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